AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yay! I finally updated! It's completely different though. . . but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! I decided to start with a prologue, instead of explaining everything in the story because I think (and people commented) that it was too rushed. . . I hope its better this way! But let me know what you think! Please review!


Once there was a world . . .

. . . a world full of life, a teeming bounty of organisms that lived, grew and died in a balanced pattern . . .

But one species evolved above the rest . . .


Their intellect, superior to that of any other being, led them to believe they were the masters of that world. With their greed and thirst for power, they devoured the world, sucking it dry of all life.

The world grew angry, sending heat, storms and destruction. Seas and oceans rose to consume cities, countries, and finally continents.

And man finally saw, that they had caused their own destruction.

The storms continued for a century, sweeping clean the remainder of the human race.

Then . . .

All was still. . .

The few survivors scattered on the leftover scraps of land, all knowledge of the time before erased from their memories. . .