

In the world of Sialuna the cities were separated from the rural areas. This was mainly because those with magic lived in the cities and those that did not live in rural areas. Those with magic that made it known, lived in cities. Those were mostly the rich. Those with magic could control unlike those who did not. Therefore, everything in the cities was advanced. There was no such thing as the poor in the cities. There was nothing below the middle class.

Those that lived in rural areas were not known to have magic. They were very poor and had little technology. Those that lived in the rural areas envied those that lived in the cities. Only a few people were born with the gift of magic. Those that were born with it died quickly. The people in the rural areas were known to be power hungry. They used up all the magic of those they found out had magic.

Some lucky few were able to escape from being used. They would hide in fear all their life. Escaping to the city was an option, but it was not an easy task. So far no one had made it past the village barriers. They had been only able to leave town barriers that surrounded them.

Others with magic in the rural areas believed that they were born with magic for a purpose. They believed that the reason would come to them from the birth of a girl with unspeakable power that would be born in a rural area. She would also change the world. This prophecy had been told to them long ago by a white mage by the name, Windiga. She had come to heal the sick and wounded after a natural disaster had struck a village. No one dared use up her powers because she was very powerful. Windiga had mentioned she was born in the area between the barriers.

The area between the barriers separated the cities and rural areas. It was believed to be the most beautiful place in Sialuna. There were a few who spoke ill of it. They spoke of it as an illusion. They knew that it was the most terrible place when night fell upon it. It was known to all as Darnize. Those that had learned about Windiga were uncertain about believing in what she had prophesied. They were not sure if they should believe she had been born in Darnize, either.


As time passed the world of Sialuna grew worse. Those that believed in the prophecy Windiga made were beginning to lose hope. Many deaths of those who had been gifted with magic in rural areas were occurring.

Then a day came that shook everyone living. For some second all the barriers had disappeared. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and stared around.

From that day all hope was restored to those who believed in what Windiga had prophesied. They knew the time had come for change. They knew that soon they would know their purpose of being gifted with magic. These people began referring themselves as the Wind's Light.


+This is only the intro-

Other chapters will be longer-

The next few chapters might come sooner that other future ones-

This all depends on reviews-

Even so I will try to finish this story-

Please review :0) +