Beach in Midsummer
The beach is lovely during that midsummer time
Around July or August when the sun feels lazy in the sky
And the sunsets leave the sky a gold-pink spectacular sight
And in and out
And in and out
The waves move and breathe their way across the shore
Taking down castles and hills and towers
And leaving muddy sand in its wake
The waters recede
And out they go
And out they go
Taking grains of sand along with them
Dropping them off somewhere past Atlantis
Turns out this was originally supposed to be about humanity. I guess if you think really hard (and you're sleepy while thinking really hard) that you can still see what I was getting at. I don't know why I decided to post it. I mean, I don't hate it, but usually I don't post older work. Anyway, enough blabbering. I hope you enjoyed it. Please review. (I am a review junkie. No, I don't care if you leave constructive criticism, but some people that constructive criticism isn't saying "I don't mean to be offensive, but never write again or I will kill both you and your family. Have a nice life!") Now that I leave you a too long author's note, I'm going off to bed.