the Princess of New York city

I was bored one day. I'm an artist. So I started drawing Chinese symbols on little blue post-its. Now they're stuck all over my dresser. 'faith, hope, love, dream, luck, friend, energy' and a few others. I chuckle to myself. if only love were stuck to my dresser. Interesting topic for a poem. I decide to write about it later. What if love were stuck on my dresser? Not literally. But what if it was right in front of me and I didn't even know it? Sounds like something familiar, and so begins the story telling . . .

Once upon a time, a princess lived in a castle. She wasn't actually a princess. She was more like, an ordinary girl. And this castle . . . the castle was called New York City. You might have heard of it. New York is a big place. Not really in miles, but it just has a lot of people and locations in it and what not. There's this air about NYC that makes it feel like there's always something going on, and you can be whatever you want to be, because everyone pretty much ignores you anyway. So our princess whose name was Jea (pronounced Jay) was walking down Macdougal (that's a street), minding her own business, like most people do, when she heard someone calling something. Oh . . . It was her name.

Jea turned around to see her friend Jay. No I'm kidding. Her friend's name is Chris. jea turned around to see her friend Chris across the street. She stopped and waited for him to cross over to her. "Hey Chris." Jea said, in that incredible princessy voice of hers. Chris ran a hand through his brown/streaked blonde hair.

"Whatsup Jea? Back to work?"

"Nope not yet. I'm trying to enjoy my vacation but thanks for reminding me." She answered sarcastically. Jea is very sarcastic. You'll get used to it after awhile.

"Sorry bout that. So then where are you off to?" Chris asked, he was walking beside her now.

"Um . . . just walking. I though I'd stop by a café and eat or something."


"You're invited." She said before he got all offended and all that. He probably wouldn't have gotten offended, but she knew he was going to ask if he could join her.



"I said actually."

"Yeah, 'actually' what?"

"Oh. Actually. I think I might . . . "

"Might what? God your confusing. Can you speak in whole sentences?"

"Is 'what' a whole sentence? Didn't think so. hypocrite!" He declared. Pretty loudly. Loudly enough to catch the attention of a few kids who were playing basketball nearby.

Jea turned onto 6th ave. Chris still by her side. "Chrisssss!" she whined.

"Okay okay, I meant I 'might actually' come with you."

"Was that so difficult?"

"I like to keep the suspense up."

" You're a moron." She said whacking him in the leg with her flowery embroidered black bag. Both of them were laughing at each others stupidity. Jea stuck her tongue out. In retort Chris pinched her ass. "Hey that's not cool!"

"It was trying to be like you." Sometimes Chris could be such a goof ball.

"I said it before and I'll say it again. You're a moron."

"Why thank you Jea, your just full of compliments today aren't you? Woke up brrrright and sunny this morning didn't we?" he faked an English accent for that one.

"bllllaaaaggghhh" She remarked. For lack of anything better to say. If your ever left speechless just say bllllaaaggghhh. Especially if someone is proposing to you. It's the perfect response.

"How bout that place?" Chris asked pointing to a coffee shop up ahead.

"La . . . whatever that says . . . yeah sure, sounds cool." She agreed. Chris held the door open for her. "Why thank you madame."

"Anytime wha-hey!" he followed her into the café. "Not cool Jea, not cool."

"'It was trying to be like yooouuu'" She mimicked in the world's most irritating voice.

"Hardyhar har.."

Jea spun around to face Chris "wanna sit outside?"

"Sure." They both headed back in the same direction they were coming from.

"Can I help you?"

"Table for two." Is this really necessary? There's a table for two right in front of my face. Jea thought. "Yeah that ones good thank you."

"I'll be back when you're ready to order." The waitress said handing them each menu. Jea sat down and started examining the breakfast menu. Preferably something cheap.

"Jea I bought you a rose. Special." Chris said. Jea looked up to find a red rose in his hand, and a lost puppy-dog look in his eyes. Within a moment she realized there was no flower in the small vase centerpiece. Chris smiled knowingly.

"Chris. Put. The rose. Down."

"But mooomm."

"Step away from the rose."

"Mommmmy." He whined

"Chris." She said with her eyebrow raised. Chris finally put the rose back in the vase thing.

"Party pooper."

"There was no party, dimwit."

"Fine then you're just a pooper."

"I'll be a party pooper, thanks."

"Thought so." Both of them were studying the menus at this point. "How does coffee sound?"

"Scrumptious . . . I can't afford anything else here either."

"Screw that."


"Hows dunkin doughnuts sound?" At the sound of the cheap and yummy fast food chain Jea raised her head.

"Like heaven. Shall we bounce homie?" She said, in that white girl voice of hers.

"Lets." He said rising from his seat, dramatically closing and dropping the 'worthless' menu.

"Don't forget the rose."

"Oh! Yeah." He made a quick glance around to make sure the coast was clear and then took the rose and held it by the stem between his teeth. Jea laughed. As they began walking up 6th Ave. again.

"You look damn sexy Chris. Grrrrr."

"Don't I know it." He took the rose out of his mouth. "Blah." He held it out. "Here, for you."

"Oh thanks Chris. Now that you salivated all over it I'd LOVE to have the rose." She took it anyway. Chris laughed.

"What was that?"

"What it's not like you have rabies . . . I think."

"Actually . . . "

"Hahaha . . . But at least this way I can pretend I have a boyfriend or something." She joked.

"What do you need one of those for? Baby you've got me remember? I'll give you all the lovin' you could ever want!" Jea couldn't stop herself from cracking up. Chris was attracting quite a bit of attention from females passing by. He wasn't a bad looking guy, he was, actually . . . good looking. But Jea never thought of him like that.

"I'm sure you will." And with that they fell silent for awhile. Until they found their dunkin doughnuts.