memories of last years summer mingle among a flow of thoughts
flowing dark hair and spinning wheels
reels of thread
sitting legs curled up under white skirts
on a roof top, one lower than surrounding houses
so anyone up on a harbouring roof for a smoke could look down on the giggling threesome
the scolding from overprotective carers
when you tumble through the door past midnight
a night out at town bumping into distant cousins
smiles and laughs very few of which are genuine
those which are, shared between you and those who'll follow you home
a new pack of cards every night sat at a table the night wasted over a collection of laughs
and a vivid image stays with you
one of every one sat round at breakfast
clock reading long past midday
the light hearted complaints of the older generation
spend the morning searching for some one you can sweet talk into giving you a lift to the beach
to sit feet buried in hot sand, under a parasol
consuming, chain drinking, when you leave bottles of water mark the place we sat
That Summer by Arabella Clemontine
Poetry » General Rated: K, English, Words: 187, Published: 1/16/2004