God! Where did the time go,
sinse I last saw her face?
We were driving in the snow.
She looked at me with those eyes,
those inhuman eyes!
She said,"Michael, where are we going?"
I responded with words that today I regret.
I said,"I told you, we're going to the doctor!"
I was so frustrated with her.
Those words haunt me every night.
If only I had known!
She was mentally ill. My wife.
She had gotten in a previous accident
that rendered her a vegetable for several days,
but she recovered somewhat.
I still keep reminding her that we're married.
That day, we were going tho the doctor.
It was a snowy February morning,
she said she wanted to go out in the snow,
but I said we had an appointment.
We were driving down the road when the storm got worse.
The car slipped on some ice, and we went plunging down a hill.
The next day, she was dead.
I couldn't believe it.
After all we went through together,
after all that happened...
she was younger than me,
yet she was one who died.
All I could hear that day were those last words I said to her.
I still hear her voice.
I hear her sleeping beside me at night still.
I hear her footstep coming down the stairs on her way to the kitchen.
I remeber, a few years ago,
those words that she said to me:
"We are like snowflakes, Michael.
We are snowflakes thriving to stay alive,
and never be forgotten. We Are!"
Last week, a friend of mine who lives in Arizona came up to see me.
I hadn't seen him sinse Meg died.
"Life sucks, doesn't it?" he said,
"There's only pain waiting for you in the end."
I disagreed.
I said,"Life is an adventure!
We are like snowflakes thriving to stay alive, and never be forgotten.
We Are!"