chills of the inferno
crawling up my spine
never ceasing till they reach
that wretched place behind my eyes
where I see how the world really is
not how I would have it be
if it were real
swirling, ever changing
extending to grasp their full capability
never pausing to squander time
on the trivial things that are part and parcel of life
knowing what they want;
never waning in their tenacity to become
what God covets
threads of conceit permeate the sky
I breathe in and choke on the odious language
you utter on the doorstep
that leads to the space behind my eyes
for I am not a brainless fool
and won't be swayed by your inconsequential words
of fraudulence and deception
so let me see the world as I shall
for I want not the assets or notoriety
that comes with comprehending the world is a wicked place
so let me ebb in my desires and my dreams
for I won't trust that the earth I glimpse
is all that I can have
All that I can Have by l0veyalikew0ah
Poetry » Religion Rated: K, English, Poetry & Poetry, Words: 178, Favs: 1, Published: 1/18/2004