
The best of blades to yet be drawn –
Ah, sweet seraphim, fly! –
Fell upon the angels' wings
And drew their Lordship nigh.

The men gazed on with curious eyes –
How cherubim do fall! –
As pairs of wings crashed through the stars,
Aflame against that wall.

Those angels struck the bitter Earth –
Such beauty in those thrones! –
Whilst Earth gave out a whimpered cry
At cracking their sweet bones.

As men drew nigh to touch those stars –
Those blessed dominions' crowns! –
They found an evil in their good;
An evil without bounds.

Thus did men approach their fate –
What virtues have endured! –
To love and hate their only God,
And just as Him, their Lord.

But there the fall did not meet ends –
The powers fell with pride! –
As Earth collapsed below those souls
Unto a hellish wide.

There they fell with anguished spite –
Fine principalities! –
Unto the flame to be their home
For all eternities.

And as the folk of Earth gazed down –
Aloft, ye archangels! –
They shouted shouts of deep regret
Into that traitors' hole.

As the hole closed o'er the flames –
Ah, sweet angels, fly! –
A single tear of men fell down
To reclaim when they die.