Reign of the Dark Goddess
Chapter Twenty Four: The Game of Life & Death
By PasifiKStar (a.k.a. Len)

A blast of energy slammed into Kannon's chest as Roman was recoiled back. Her eyes were huge as a trembling hand lifted to her lips and touched them. Kannon was only thrown back a few paces and laughed as he watched the look of horror on Roman's face.

"Roman!" Yosha gasped out. He ran towards her, sliding to a stop as he loomed his body over her. Nervously, he raised his hand to touch her face.

"I'm so sorry..." she whispered quietly. She looked up at him, as if she had committed the biggest sin against him. "I'm so sorry..."

"No..." Yosha whispered back. His hands cupped her face and gently stroked her soft cheeks over and over. "It wasn't your will."

"Kiss me," she whimpered. Her lips trembled as she reached up towards Yosha's face. "Kiss me, please..." she begged. "I feel so dirty..."

Yosha's tongue flicked over his lips as he lowered his head. A white blast threw him back several paces, tearing him out of Roman's arms. "Ah!"

"Yosha!" Roman screamed. Her stormy eyes turned to the other white haired man farther from them. "Leave him alone!"

"He is my rival," Kannon shrugged. "What man is merciful to his rival?"

"Yosha...Yosha..." The brunette repeated his names over and over as she crawled towards him, completely ignoring Kannon.

The blue eyed vampire narrowed his eyes and raised his hands. "Do not ignore me, Dark Goddess!" he growled.

A white beam shot Yosha in the chest, shoving him further back and running him into one of the marble columns. Yosha groaned and bit his lip as he took a deep breath. "Stop it!" Roman screamed.

Instantly she was on her feet and running towards Yosha. Kannon merely grinned and shot Yosha once more with a concentrated energy beam. Yosha's face twisted in pain as he was pushed deeper and deeper into the column.

"The more you run to him, the more I'll hurt him," Kannon laughed. "Go ahead, my dear. Do you wish to hurt him more?"

Roman froze in her steps. Tears of blood filled her eyes as she looked over at her husband's fallen body. "Oh, Yosha..." she whimpered helpless. "Why did you come...? I told you to stay...I told you not to get involved."

"Shut up..." Yosha gasped out. He coughed and a trickle of blood came out of his mouth. Roman's face showed immense panic as she debated whether to run towards him or stay and spare him the pain. His golden eyes opened and looked at her. The corners of his mouth lifted in a small smile. "I came because I love you...I want to spend every second until the end with you."

Her shaking hands lifted to her mouth and covered it as she closed her eyes tightly. "You're so stupid, Yosha..."

"I love you, Roman," he gasped out. His face was swollen, bruised, and cut. Small wounds caused thin streams of blood to flow down his face. "He can shoot me a million times and I won't long as you stay with me."

"Disgusting," Kannon mumbled. He stared at Yosha, disgust on his face as he raised his hand for another shot. "A weakling like you isn't fit for the most powerful female in the world."

The white light flew from his hands. Roman didn't hesitate. She ran forward, as fast as she could, and slid to a stop in front of Yosha. "Roman!" her husband shouted.

"Ugh!" Her face contorted to show her pain as the light hit her in the back. She screamed and fell forward. It took Yosha all his might to put his arms around her.

"Roman...Roman...?" he whispered in her ear as her head rested against his. The back of her shirt was gone, but her flesh healed quickly.

"I'm fine," she gasped. She pulled a bit away from him. "I fell on you...are you...?"

"I'm all right," he assured her. He smiled weakly. "Don't do that again."

"I'd like to see you try and stop me." she teased

"You know I only know one way to..." he grinned and kissed her softly on the lips. "I'd die a happy man if I died in your arms."

"You're such a perv," she closed her eyes and tried to keep the tears from falling as she kissed him. Over and over, until suddenly his arms tightened around her. He groaned and pushed her to the side. "Yosha!?"

"AHHH!" His eyes were blank as his body spasmed with energy. A thick beam of white energy shot out from Kannon's hand and pounded mercilessly on Yosha.

"You DARE violate her in front of ME?" Kannon scoffed. "Who do you think you are? You're nothing but a pathetic human! You'll never be worthy of her! You'll never be ANYTHING!"

"Kannon!" Roman screamed. The vampire turned around, his eyes growing wide as a shot of black energy threw him across the room. "You bastard!"

Kannon hit the wall and shook his head to straighten out his train of thought. Yosha groaned as he fell limply against fallen stone. "Roman..."

"Yosha!" Roman scrambled towards him, pulling his body against hers and cradling him in her arms. "Oh, gods..." Her voice was shaking as she held the body in her arms.

"He's right..." Yosha whispered.

"No, he's not!" Roman cried out. She no longer cared that she was crying. She didn't care if Kannon was watching. All she cared about was the man dying in her arms. "He's not right, Yosha!"

"No..." Yosha told her. He opened his eyes and Roman felt her jaw drop. His golden eyes were dimmer. He was blind.

"Oh, gods...Yosha..." her voice was shaking as his fingers traced the outline of her face.

"You're even more beautiful in my mind," Yosha gasped out. "You're beautiful even when it's dark."

"Yosha..." Roman sobbed. Her arms tightened around him.

"I'm not worthy of you, Roman," he gasped out, each breath short and raspy. "I've never been worthy of you...but I love you too much to let that get in my way."

"I'm glad I met you," Roman whispered in his ear. "I'm glad I had a chance to be with you. I'm glad we got married. I'm happy we made love. I'm made me so happy, Yosha..."

"I'm...going to rest..." he whispered quietly. "I'll...I'll see you...later..." His eyes grew heavy and he closed them.

"Yosha..." Roman gasped. Her gray eyes grew large. "Yosha!?" She pulled away from him and looked at his face. Roman screamed. "Yosha! Gods, no!" She draped her body over his, her head shielding his face from Kannon's gaze.

He watched with amusement as she sat there, surrounded by the pieces of the fallen column as her body slumped over that of a human. A human whose once handsome face was bruised and battered. Whose flawless taunt skin was cut and bleeding. Whose golden eyes were shut.

"You were warned." he told her.

Roman's shoulders were shaking as she pulled herself away from Yosha's body. She looked down at him once more and caressed his face. "I love you, Yosha..." she told him intently. "I'll always love you."

Anger flashed over Kannon's face and Roman gently laid Yosha's body over the stones, trying to make him as comfortable as she could. She began to breath deeply as her body glowed. It was as if smoke was coming out of her and forming shapes above her body.

Black hair was straight and limp as if fell over her body. She stood up and lifted her head. For the first time, Kannon's face showed fear.

"Ruri! Roan!" Tynan gasped as he and Saphira reached the other two Carriers on horse back.

The red head and the green haired woman were standing in front of the palace, their heads tilted upwards to the towering monument before them.

Saphira got off her horse with ease and quickly ran over to them. "What is it?" she gasped. "What are you looking at!?"

Their eyes were huge as they simultaneously pointed towards the eastern wing. Tynan and Saphira turned their heads and fell silent as the darkened sky churned with massive black clouds. Lighting flashed within it's depths, illuminationg shadows that thundered above them.

The clouds circled over head, it's center right above the eastern wing of the palace. Thunder crashed like the bellowing of an earth shattering explosion and it seemed as if all the world would end.

With the sound of thunder, black lighting pulsating with energy shot down from the center of the dark, churning sky, straight into the eastern wing. The ground shook and all around them, they heard screaming.

Saphira took Tynan's hand and he held hers tight. Ruri leaned over next to Roan and he took her in his arms comfortingly. Ruri's voice broke their stunned silence. "Is the world going to end?"

Kannon took a step back. He'd never felt such raw, unrestrained power in his thousands of years. Until now - when the gods revealed their greatest warrior to him in her most formidable shape.

Roman's ivory skin turned black, to the color of the deepest reaches of night. It shone like a well polished stone at the bottom of a clear river. Her eyes glowed with intense white light as her hair seemed to have grown to magnificent lengths.

Dark strands flew around her body as the ebony lightning crashed through the roof of his room and directed itself into Roman's body. Her nails grew to sharp two inch points and were a blinding silver color.

Her clothes disappeared, only her mass of hair swirling around her darkened body provided a covering of her private parts. Kannon watched as she opened her mouth and growled at him.

Her perfect teeth were framed by elongated fangs, longer than that of any vampire. Unrestrained power, incomprehensible strength, yet unimaginable beauty.

She floated forward, facing him at an arms length away. "I have had enough of your blasphemy," a voice said as the Dark Goddess' mouth opened. Kannon stared at her. It was not the voice of Roman. It was deep, animalistic, and raspy. "You have over stepped your lines."

"You're not Roman..." Kannon's voice said shakingly. He shook his head and backed away once more. "You are not my Roman."

"You have over stepped your immortality, Fallen One," the Dark Goddess explained. "When you were summoned by the children of pure hearts, you swore to Us that you would keep you stance as a Fallen One. But you have deceived Us."

"No..." Kannon gasped, shaking his head furiously. "I did not forsake you!"

"Foolish immortal, gifted with the powers of the Divine," the Dark Goddess continued as she approached him. "We have watched you for millenias and judged you. We have have passed judgement over you. You have carried yourself as a god, which you are not. You have exceeded your powers. You have broken the truths of which a Fallen One is supposed to follow. And We are angered."

"Forgive me!" Kannon shouted. "I did not realize that I would be trailed."

"You are fully aware of the powers that We possess," the Dark Goddess scolded. "Yet you strayed, consumed in your passion for companionship. Companionship you were never fated to have because of your status as a Fallen One."

"But why couldn't I have someone?" Kannon gasped out in disbelief. "Why couldn't I love someone who would love me!?"

"You cannot force love," she continued. "Love is not something you can buy with power or seduce with charm. It is an unimaginable gift which is given, uncontrolled, by one's heart. Not by one's mind. You cannot control love."

"How can you say that? You would not understand! You are not I!" Kannon retorted bitterly. "You have no idea what I have been through!"

"No one can fully understand love," The Dark Goddess held out her hand and a beautiful, intricately carved staff appeared. "We are created out of love. The essence of life is love, Fallen One. And love is not easily explained or understood."

"You can't be serious! You're a joke! Look around you! The city is on fire! Armies attack and humans kill each other! Life is not love! Life is pain and suffering! Life is a horrible hell hole that tortures one until one's death!" Kannon scoffed. "We immortals aren't blessed at all to live eternally and never escape life!"

"You foolish Fallen One," the Dark Goddess laughed in a breathy voice. "Let me ask you this...if all there was to life was pain and suffering, why do those who can die insist on living? Why do they not just die and escape the pain?"

"Many do!"

"But many more do not," she countered. "Suffering and pain are all part of life, just like joy and pleasure. Without joy and pleasure, there is no suffering and pain. But without suffering and pain, there is no joy and pleasure. You cannot live on purely one alone. You cannot die, if you do not live. There is no life without death. The two are one in the same."

"Do you expect me to believe that?" Kannon laughed bitterly. "Do you seriously expect me to believe that love is the essence of life crap? You're joking!"

"Everyone must come up with their own interpretations on life...their own truths," the Dark Goddess countered. "What We have repeated is not Our thoughts, it is that of the soul of this vessel. The human known as Roman believes that they are one in the same and accepts it. That is her truth, Fallen One."

Kannon was glaring at the Dark Goddess. "I refuse to die," Kannon shouted. "I refuse to re-enter the darkness and cold lonliness!"

"You have already entered it," The Dark Goddess said. Kannon raised his hands and threw blast after blast of energy to the Dark Goddess. Each hit was right on target, but made no effect on the advancing creature. "We are no longer flesh, Fallen One. Your powers cannot harm Us. We were sent specifically to end your reign."

Kannon shook his head. " can you possibly defeat me? You are not one of the gods!"

"We are not a god," The Dark Goddess explained. She raised her staff and from the top, a beautiful, long, glimmering blade came out to the side. It curved slightly and ended in a point. "We are merely an embodiment of Holy Power."

Kannon shook his head and took another step back, unwilling to believe his eyes as white wings spread from the Stone Warrior's back. Huge, glowing wings spread from one end of the room to the other, each feather looking as soft as the down of a bird.

"What are you, Dark Goddess?" Kannon whispered as she raised the staff. "You are not merely a warrior of the gods, are you?"

"We are a warrior undefeated," the creature said. "Because all who are living must succum to Us."

Kannon stared into her glowing eyes and felt a warm sense of serenity go over his body. He smiled softly and bowed his head once before looking up at her again. "I knew I could not escape you..."

The blade came down and entered his chest. Kannon's eyes closed and the creature spread their arms to catch the body. She smiled intently. "No one escapes Death."

"Roman? Roman, is that you?" Blue eyes fluttered open and blinked at the sudden brightness of his surroundings.

"You're free, Master," a light, feminine voice seemed like a warm ray of light as her face came into focus. Innocent gray eyes looked down at him with a warm smile as she sat down, his head on her lap. "Are you ready?"

"What are you doing here?" he asked quietly, confused, yet happy at the same time.

"I came to see you off," she explained. "Your friends will be here soon to escort you to eternity."

"Wait...who? What's going on?" Kannon looked up at her face and slowly sat up. She giggled and stood up, soft black hair framing her pale face as rosy cheeks and warm red lips looked at him.

Kannon followed her stance and also stood up. He looked around. They were on an open field, surrounded by soft grass underneath a light sapphire sky. "Thank you," she said quietly. She bowed her head and smiled. "You did help shape who I am. And while I suffered, I was still blessed with happiness."

"Roman?" Kannon asked, still confused.

"Kannon!" a voice shouted in the distance. Kannon turned around and tried to find the source of the voice.

"They're here." Roman's happy voice said.

Kannon turned back to look at her. "Roman, what's going on? Where am I?"

"Kannon!" voices shouted.

Roman raised her hands and pressed her the index and middle fingers on his temples. "Let your mind be free of me for now."

"What..." Kannon looked at her confused. Suddenly, the pressure at his temples increased and he saw a bright flash of light in his vision.


"Kannon!" He shook his head and lifted his hand to rub his head.

"Kannon!" the voices called to him and he turned around. His blue eyes grew wide. Namiren and Fudotomi were each sitting on an elegant white horse. Behind Fudotomi was a beautiful blond woman who smiled warmly at him.

"Fudotomi! Namiren!" Kannon gasped in shock. Kannon studied them, but immediately turned around. Something at him ordered him to turn around. No one was there. "I could've sworn that someone..." he trailed off.

"Kannon, are you ready to go?" Namiren asked. He turned back around to face her. Her beautiful face was framed by soft waves of blue.

"Where are we going?" Kannon asked. Namiren extended her hand and he took it.

With ease, he sat on the saddle behind her and placed his arms around her waist. "Let's go!" Fudotomi said cheerfully as he tugged on the horse's reins and lead them back to where they came from.

"Go where?" Kannon asked, still confused.

"Home," Namiren told him simply. "We're going home."

Gray eyes opened and looked up into golden ones. A smile appeared on her lips. "I told you I would see you later." Yosha smiled. Roman smiled back and nodded.

"I'm sorry I doubted you," she sighed. She tried to raise her hand, but didn't feel it responding. Her entire body felt weak and lifeless. "I want to touch you..."

Yosha blinked back his own tears as he caressed her blood stained face. Her wounds from her previous battles were resurfacing and he wanted to cry for her. "I love you," he told her once more. "I can't say that enough."

"I love you..." she murmured. *Gods, I can barely talk...* "I'm sorry, I'm leaving you...Yosha..."

"We'll be together again, I promise," Yosha told her weakly. He watched as she closed her eyes and cried. "'re crying."

"I can't help it."

His voice was a welcomed whisper. "Darling, your tears are clear."

Roman's body shook as more blood left her body. "I'm so happy, Yosha..." she breathed out. "So...happy..."

"Shh..." Yosha told her quietly. "Just rest..." Roman's closed eyes felt his lips kiss each lid one by one before resting on her lips.

" love..." her last words were breathed out with difficulty as her body laid limply in his arms. Yosha closed his eyes and buried his head in her neck, warm liquid coming from his eyes as his arms pulled her closer and closer to him.

He could smell her blood leaking from her body, out of open wounds. His lips brushed over her slender neck. "Not for long..."

"How could I have been so stupid!" Saphira cried as she ran up the stairs behind the other three. "Why didn't I remember!?"

"Forget it, Saphira," Ruri shouted. "It's not your fault!"

"But we could've stopped him!" Saphira cried.

"We might still have time!" Roan shouted as they raced up stairs of the palace. They reached the third floor. "Which way!?"

"East!" Tynan gasped, without pausing to take a breath as he turned. The others followed him.

"He wouldn't be crazy enough, to would he?" Roan gasped as they ran down the hall.

Ruri shook her head. "Don't you remember what Roman said before Fudotomi's death?" Ruri gasped. "She said that the gods all told her their plans for us, but never anything on Yosha."

"But he couldn't have!" Saphira insisted. She shook her head as tears streamed down her cheeks. "He wouldn't!"

"What happened in your dream, Saphira?" Tynan said as they neared the huge, closed, double doors.

Saphira wiped her eyes. "Yosha drank Roman's blood!" Tynan closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them. "And turned into a vampire!"

"Impossible!" Roan gasped.

"You need a blood exchange for that to happen!" Ruri agreed.

Tynan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "They did have a blood exchange."

"WHAT!?" the group chorused behind him.

"After Roman swore off blood, her body began to deteriorate. She wouldn't have made it past two weeks," Tynan explained as they ran. "Yosha knew this and tricked Roman into drinking his blood."

"How?" Ruri gasped. "What did he do?"

"He slit his wrists in front of her one night and said that if she didn't heal him, he'd bleed to death," Tynan repeated Roman's words. "And once she did heal him, she had taken in some blood. And he blackmailed her by saying that he would tell on her if she didn't keep coming to him for blood."

"Why would Yosha do that?" Roan breathed.

"I agree, it doesn't sound like him." Ruri nodded.

"Yosha knew that Roman was necessary," Tynan explained. "But I know for a fact that they did marry out of love."

"Anyone could have told you that!" Ruri snapped. "Look at them when they're together!"

"Let's forget about that for now!" Saphira gasped. "We have to stop him!" The doors were right in front of them now.

"Roan, help me open this door!" Tynan gasped out. The red haired man agreed and both of them ran into the doors, pushing them open with all their might.

Ruri swore as they covered their eyes. As soon as the doors opened, blinding white light from the rising sun hit their faces. "Yosha!" Roan shouted as they rushed in.

Their eyes adjusted to the light quickly and they froze in their spots by the door. On the floor, Yosha was sitting, facing the rising sun. He was sitting on his legs as he cradled Roman's body against him.

"Oh, gods..." Ruri gasped, covering her mouth. "Roman..."

Saphira took a few steps forward before falling to her knees and crying. Tynan stood over her, a blank expression on his face. "Yosha..." Tynan began.

The white haired man turned around. His hair was tangled and all over his face, his clothes practically all torn off and his body bruised and cut.

"Yosha..." Ruri whispered. She stared at him.

Blood trickled down the corners of his mouth and he smiled. "Oh my, gods..." Roan gasped.

Two fangs were evident as Yosha smiled. In his eyes were dark red tears, sliding down his pale face. Slowly, Yosha's golden eyes closed for the final time. His body fell to the side, his arms still holding on to Roman's body, as his short life as a vampire ended.

As the sun rose that morning, four friends walked out of a fallen palace. Before them, humans celebrated their victory amongst each other, but they were immune to the festivities. Seared into their minds was the eerily romantic vision of two fallen vampires in each other's arms as the sun turned their bodies' to dust.

Saphira leaned against Tynan as they held each other walking out. Ruri was piggy back on Roan's back, clinging on to him and hiding her face with her bangs as they came down the stairs.

Blaxton stood at the front of the palace and took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. As he opened them, he brought Tynan and Saphira into a fatherly embrace. Blaxton pulled away from them and took something out of the pack on his horse.

He walked over to the two couples and opened the small leather pouch. Out came two zironian drop earrings and Saphira covered her mouth and Ruri striffled a cry. Tynan took one and Roan took the other.

With graceful movements, they put one of each of Roman's marriage earrings on Ruri and Saphira. As the two young woman wiped their tears away, Blaxton took out something else.

"Athelstan said that Hanya was given these by Roman and be given to you four." Blaxton handed each couple a box.

Ruri opened hers and nearly dropped the box. Sobbing, she snapped it closed and buried her face in Roan's chest. He held her against him and closed his eyes. Saphira slowly opened her box and ran her fingers through the dozens of intricately designed jewels within the box. She clutched the box against her chest and Tynan pulled her against him.

Tynan recalled Roman's words. She wouldn't live to see them with her jewels. Saphira looked at Tynan, as if reading his mind. "I wouldn't mind if I never saw her jewels, Tynan..." Her voice was broken and she gasped out in breathy tones. "I really...wouldn't have mind."

She saw a shadow standing farther away. She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes, studying the figure, and trying to recall who it was. Her gray eyes grew large as it dawned on her who it was. "Masata!" she called out. She ran across the vast expanse of white, almost illuminated, space.

Tearfully, she ran towards him. The figure turned to face her and an all too familiar face smiled intently and welcomed her with open arms. "Roman!" he laughed.

She ran into him and buried her face in his shoulders. "Masata! Masata!"

"Gods, you're as beautiful as the day I last saw you," he laughed as he looked at her. "What are you doing here?"

"It's over isn't it?" Roman asked, confused as she was gently pushed away and held at arms length. Her eyes were large and eager.

"Roman, it's not over for you, yet."

"What?" she gasped. "But...that's why I'm here isn't it? Isn't that why you're here?"

"I'm here to send you back," Masata laughed good naturedly. "Silly act as if you're in love with me."

"I do love you!" she insisted. Masata nodded.

"Yes, yes...I know..." he told her. He cupped her face gently in his hands and smiled sadly. "But your heart isn't mine..."


"My heart will always be yours, Roman," Masata told her gently. "But when I left you, I realized that it wasn't meant to be."

"What are you talking about, Masata?" Roman gasped tearfully. "Don't you love me?"

"Of course I do!" Masata insisted. "I'll always love you! More than life itself! But, sweet one, your heart will always belong only to him."

Gently, he turned her around and ahead of her, there was a taller man. Well built with long, wavy white hair and golden eyes. "Yosha!" Roman recognized him instantly and her heart leap. Immediately she regretted it as she turned back to her former lover. "But..."

"I'll always love you, Roman," Masata assured her. "And I know you love me. But you and Yosha belong with each other. It was fated to be."

"Why, though?" Roman whispered. "I don't understand."

"For your service to the Powers That Be as a vessel for the Dark Goddess, you were fated to find undying love with that man," Masata explained. "I was fated to serve as merely a doorway into your heart."

Roman looked at him. "Part of my heart belongs to you, Masata." she told him. He nodded.

"I know," he smiled. "That's enough for me. Now, go to him. He's waiting."

Roman nodded and kissed Masata on the cheek. "Thank you... my first love," She turned from him and ran towards Yosha. He looked at her and smiled. He held his arms open as she ran into their warm, welcoming embrace. "You came with me?"

"How could I not?" he chuckled. "I told you I couldn't live without you."

"But Masata said it wasn't my time yet."

"Yeah...well..." Yosha looked over to where Masata was standing. He was no longer in the brightness where they stood. "He's a good guy."

Roman smiled, pleased. She leaned up and kissed him passionately on the lips. "Yosha...I love you," she sighed as she melted against him, her arms around his neck. "Let's go back?"

"Together." he concluded. Roman nodded. He took her hand and headed towards a huge golden gate.

"Yosha, why are we going back when we're together here?" Roman asked.

"Because we deserve to live," he told her gently. "Shall I meet you there?" The gates opened before them and Roman nodded. He kissed her softly and let go of her hand. She watched as Yosha exited the gates.

Roman turned back and looked at the space in front of her. She smiled warmly and followed Yosha's example. A flash of white light wiped past her and warmth enveloped her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Modern Day, Los Angeles, California

"She's getting WHAT!?" Saphira gasped, nearly falling out of her seat at the restaurant. Her fiancee sat across from her, an unhappy look on his face. His lavender locks framed his face gracefully as her hand reached out and touched his.

Across the candle lit table, Tynan looked up and smiled weakly. "Yeah...that was pretty much her reaction," Tynan told her. "She was furious. I was afraid she was going to kill her father right there."

"Even if she would try, I doubt she would've succeeded. Your Uncle Val is a big guy." Saphira pointed out.

"I know," Tynan replied. He looked into Saphira's blue eyes with depressed lavender ones. "I can't believe they're doing this to her though...especially know..."

Saphira's face fell even more. "How long has it been?"

"Five years," Tynan murmured. He looked down at his glass of wine bitterly. "Damn, I liked that guy, too...I thought that everything would be fine for her and then..."

"You couldn't do anything," Saphira whispered. "He couldn't do anything."

"But I was the one he was picking up that night!" Tynan gasped. "Dammit, Saphira...I was the one that called Masata to pick me up from the airport so I could surprise Roman for her birthday...and..."

"It wasn't you two who ran the red light, love," Saphira assured him gently. "It was the drunk driver."

Tynan shook his head. "I still blame myself."

"Roman said it wasn't your fault," Saphira said. "She never once blamed you..."

"She's like my sister, Saphira..." Tynan sighed. "I've never had any other sibling and she's the only one I've known. She was doing fine up until yesterday."

"I can't believe your Aunt and Uncle would force her to marry like that," Saphira whispered. "They always seemed like such reasonable people."

"Roman's their only child," Tynan said. "And she's very attractive, poised, and accomplished - it's no wonder so many men are after her."

"I think that might be part of the reason, then."

"What do you mean?"

"Her parents have a lot of business partners...and since Roman is so eligible, there must've been pressure on them to force her to marry." Saphira concluded. Tynan nodded.

"So...what you're saying is I should kill all those men."

"Tynan..." Saphira replied, lowering her voice at his comment. He smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, okay..." he smiled. "Just kidding..."

"You have reached Roman. I'm not able to come to the phone right now, so please leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!" *BEEP*

Roman didn't bother looking up from her corner of the couch where she sat, curled up in a blanket, reading one of her friend's romance novels. *These things are so addicting...* she had scolded herself earlier that evening.

"Roman! It's Kannon," the caller said, leaving the message on her machine. "I don't want to pressure you, but just give the idea some thought. I'll call you back later."

With that she threw down the book and stomped over to the counter by the kitchen. She glared at the black machine and then pressed her finger on some buttons. "Message Deleted".

She grinned proudly to herself. Suddenly the phone ran again and she jumped back. A low growl started her throat and she grabbed the cordless phone. "Hello?" she asked, trying to sound as angry as she could.

"Rome?" Tynan's voice asked through the phone. It was hindered by some static, but Roman could still make it out. Only Tynan called her 'Rome'. "Hey, kid, you okay?"

"He called again, Tynan," Roman grumbled. "That's sixteen freaking times today and it's still only seven thirty."

"Calm down, Rome," Tynan sighed. She heard a voice in the background. "Saphira says hi."

"Tell her I said hi, too," Roman said as she fell back on her soft couch. "Are you two on a date?"

"We're not teenagers, Roman," Tynan said. She grinned, just knowing he was rolling his eyes. "We're on an evening out and...wait...okay...hold on..." he was talking to someone else now. There was a sigh. "Saphira wants to talk to you."

"Put her on then."

"Roman?" Saphira asked in her usual worried tone. "Hey, hon...I heard...are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Saphira," Roman assured her. "Just angry... and wishing there was something I could use to block what's his name's phone number."

Saphira giggled. "Do you want to talk? I could come over-"

"Saphira! We're out!" Tynan's voice in the background gasped.

"Tynan, hush!" Saphira whispered quietly.



"It's okay," Roman smiled. "I'm fine. Just kicking back...I have T.A. duty tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" Saphira asked again. "Because I can come over and we can talk."

"No, don't worry about it," Roman said. She was laying on her couch, her legs hanging off the arm as she tilted her head to the fireplace directly across from the couch. "You two should be enjoying your night out. We can go to lunch this weekend or something, how's that?"

Saphira giggled. "It sounds as if you're the one trying to comfort me," Saphira told her. "All right. I'll call you with the details later. Your cousin is looking very antsy right now and he's pouting."

"I am NOT pouting!" Tynan hissed.

"Yeah...whatever..." Saphira replied. "I'll call you soon, hon. Take care."

"Have a nice evening...bye." Roman pressed the button and up the phone. She looked at the receiver and then tossed it over her head on to the rest of the couch, on to her blanket and the romance novel.

A big screen television looked back at her from the corner of the room. A meager three bedroom condo with a fully equipped kitchen, a dining room, breakfast bar, living room, and three bathrooms and a washing machine and dryer in the laundry room. Not to mention the fire place in the master bedroom as well as in the den and study.

She lived on the 25th floor of a Los Angeles complex in a gorgeous, luxury condominium that looked like an ad in an IKEA catalog. It was her graduation present from her parents. After she got her BA and came home, she decided to strike out on her own. But being the only daughter of two wealthy people, she was blessed with a lovely little place to call her own.

Although she had her fair share of friends, she preferred to live alone. She never was the type to drink, smoke, party, all and all have fun. Especially after...

"Masata..." Roman whispered. She was standing before the fire place now, looking at the mantle. Pictures of her college friends, her parents, family, and her adorned it. To one corner, was a heart shaped frame with a her smiling and standing next to a handsome young man, just a few inches taller than her with black hair.

She could still remember the call from the hospital five years ago. Tynan and Masata were in a car accident. They asked her to come to the hospital. She was there with her aunt, uncle, and her parents. Masata's parents had died and he lived with his grandparents up until they passed away a year before.

Then he lived by himself. They asked if she was the fiancee and she nodded. Then they told her. "I'm sorry, Miss Obsidian...Masata...he died on impact."

Her world fell apart that night. Her naive, romance loving, happy go lucky self dissolved. From that moment, she changed. While publicly, she was intelligent socialite who impressed both men and women at gatherings, she had become more quiet. Stayed at home more. Focused harder on school and work.

She turned off the fire place with a switch of a button and then headed to her room, picking up her blanket and book on the way to the stairs that led to the second level, where the master and a bedroom were. She entered the first door and closed it behind her.

Roman crawled into bed in her sweat clothes and then turned off the light. "I'm twenty's a Thursday night...I should be planning about what I'm going to do tomorrow night...but no. Who cares. I don't."

"Flight 193 from Paris can find their bags on Carousel 12." the speaker said as a young man with long, wavy white hair walked down the corridor.

It flowed around his mid back and shoulders, over his faded denim jacket. He wore a black turtle neck and dark jeans over dark brown boots as the wool that lined his jacket peeked from the jacket's open front.

He was rolling out a carry-on and had a duffel bag over his right shoulder. Girls eyed him as he passed, women glanced over from their seats. He was tall, with pale skin that had been evenly tanned and a self assured look his face.

Golden eyes glanced the carousel and then stopped. He stood in front of it, waiting patiently as the machine started. He pulled out his cellular phone. "Hi, mom...I landed," he said. The females around him giggled. ", you don't have to...he's already here...okay...the RR...okay...fine...I'll call you when I get to my place. Bye, mom."

He paid no attention to the women as he grabbed another large suitcase off the belt. As soon as he got them on a little cart, he moved towards the exit where he found a long black limo awaiting him. He let out an annoyed sigh.

"Master Yosha!"

"Hello, Mr. Ulman," Yosha said as the old man opened the door for him. There was a younger man who accompanied the older driver and put Yosha's bags into the back of the limo. "Thank you for picking me up. I could've just taken a taxi-"

"No, no!" Mr. Ulman gasped as Yosha got into the limo. "This is our JOB, Master Yosha!" The door closed and from inside, Yosha could see several people looking at the Rolls Royce limo that had picked him up.

A few women smiled at him, knowing he could see them through the glass whereas they could not see him. Some women giggled. Yosha ran his hand down his face. He hated being the spot light.

It was fine for his half brother, who loved attention people poured on him, but not for him. The limo began to move and he leaned back against the black leather seating.

His cell phone rang again. He picked it up. "Hello?"

"Yosha, how are you? Your mother called and told me you had arrived." a familiar, deep male voice said.

"Hello, father," Yosha said quietly. "I am fine. How are you doing?"

"Very well," his father said. "I wanted to tell you personally to be ready this Saturday evening. The entire family is going to a party celebrating a good friend's 30th Anniversary."

"Thank you for telling me, father," Yosha said formally. "I shall be ready."

"Excellent," the older man replied. "By the way, be on your best behavior. There is a young woman who your brother is courting and it would not help him to have an uncivilized younger brother."

Yosha let out a sigh and nodded. "Yes, father."

"I shall see you then! Good-bye!"

"Good-bye, father." Yosha hung up the phone and shoved it back into his jacket pocket. He leaned his head back on the chair.

His older brother. His older HALF brother, he reminded himself. He had been born out of wedlock. His father's first wife died giving birth to his half brother. In remorse, his father took shelter in his mother's arms. His mother being a nurse at the time.

Afraid that her child would be scrutinized, his mother moved from Phoenix back to Los Angeles. However, as luck would have it, when he was three, his father was in a car accident in Los Angeles and was treated by his mother.

She admitted having his child and he asked her marry him immediately. *Gotta hand it to the old man... he has his honor...* Yosha thought to himself. His older brother was different.

He hated Yosha's mother from the beginning, even as far as accusing her of the death of his own mother. At the time, Yosha had been too young to understand. Despite his half brother's hatred, Yosha's mother was devoted to both sons, trying her best to take care of them and treat them both fairly.

Yosha was never one to be picked on. He'd always fight back and when they were pre-teens, they had this equal understanding with each other. His half brother called it the 'I hate you, but will be nice to you for the sake of father' understanding.

He grinned to himself. *I hope that whoever he's courting turns him down flat.* The limo pulled up to the condominium tower. The door was opened and he stepped out, looking at the twenty six story building. His condo was on the twenty fifth and sixth stories.

It was two stories. One of the four on the last two floors. The bellman opened the door for him as his bags were brought in behind him. On the elevator, he waited. As soon as it opened, he stepped out and made a right.

Down the narrow hallway, the last door to the right was his. He had three neighbors. The ones diagonally from him were almost never there and the one next door was some hermit man.

He hadn't met the person living across from him. All he knew was that it was a female and probably one of those spoiled rich girls he his brother was always bringing back to the estate.

Which was one of the reasons why he never bothered to introduce himself. Not that she had. He opened his door just as the door behind him opened. The sound of music flooded out as a hand reached out and grabbed the paper in front of the door.

"'I Will Survive', huh?" Yosha grinned to himself, amused as the door slammed shut just as the men who were carrying his bags passed. He didn't get to see her, but didn't care. He opened his door and looked into the condo. "I'm home..."

"Professor Graffon," Roman said as she placed some books on her mentor's desk so she could sit down on the chair with ease. "I was looking over these books for my topic and I was wondering if you could tell me what you think of them."

"Of course, Roman," the old man said. "Just wait until I get this meeting over with. I'll introduce you to my new T.A. You'll have less work to do this quarter."

Roman smiled. "That's always appreciated, sir."

"He'll be in soon-" Graffon said. The door opened behind them and a tall young man came in. The professor beamed a wide smile at the young, white haired man who smiled.

"Professor Graffon! It's so good to see you again!" The young man reached out and shook hands with the professor, only to be pulled into a strong embrace.

"Yosha, look at you! You grew out your hair, I see," Professor Graffon laughed. "How was Cairo?"

"Excellent, sir," Yosha said. He glanced down at Roman, who immediately stood up to be polite. "Is this the other T.A.?"

"Ah, yes!" Graffon smiled. He stepped aside to introduce the two. "Roman, this is Yosha Ziron, he was my last post graduate student. He just finished his dissertation on the economics influenced by politics in central Cairo. Yosha, this is Roman Obsidian, she's my newest graduate student and she's doing research on the politics behind gender in the Middle East."

Golden eyes met storm gray ones and locked. Roman felt her heart beat quicken as her face slowly grew warm. She spoke out in a shaky voice. "Nice to meet you." Roman said, extending her hand. Yosha nodded.

"A pleasure as well." he stated. He sat down in the chair next to Roman, noting the pile of books on the desk.

"You both have been my T.A.s already and know how I grade. I just wanted you two to meet each other. Exchange emails and the like to communicate. Also, there is going to be a faculty party and I wanted you two to come," Professor Graffon said, handing them each an invitation. "These people might one day be your peers and it would be good to make some contacts."

"Thank you, professor!" Roman smiled.

"I'll be there, sir," Yosha said. "Is there anything else?"

"Yes," Professor Graffon said. He smiled at Roman. "Yosha, please help Roman in going over these books for her topic. You've used many of them in yours and I feel would be of better use than I would."

"Ah...but..." Roman began to protest.

"I have to run to a meeting now. I'll see you two at next week's meeting!"

"Sir?" Yosha began, but the old man smiled and rushed out of his office, leaving Roman and Yosha alone. He looked over at her with gold eyes. Her gray eyes looked a bit unsure and she swept her red bangs back behind her ears, her long black hair in a pony tail at the base of her neck. "Umm...first of may want to get some new books."

"Stop following me!" she hissed as she looked over her shoulder at the white haired man. He held his bag in one hand and his keys in the other.

"For your information," he snapped back, annoyed with her. "My car is parked on this level, too!"

They were in the multi storied school parking lot. Roman held the keys to her BMW out and pressed the remote. In response, the charcoal car gave a small beep and un- locked.

Next to her car, the dark green Land Rover also beeped and unlocked. She glared at Yosha as he got into the car. She reversed and headed out.

"Stupid ass!" she hissed as she turned up her radio. "Who does he think he is? I looked for those books for two weeks and he has the nerve to tell me that none of them will HELP my topic!? And so bluntly at that!"

In his own car, Yosha drove off towards the exit. "Damn, impulsive bitch!" Yosha growled, putting up the volume in his car. "Can't she take criticism!?"

Somehow, they ended up in the lanes next to each other. She had her sunglasses on and refused to look over at him. A quick glance wouldn't hurt. She glanced over and saw him holding up his middle finger at her.

"FUCKING BASTARD!" she screamed. She caught the smug look on his face and wished desperately to beat it out of him. The light turned green and she hit gas.

The sound of her car changing gears and speeding in front of him made Yosha smirk. He tailed her for some time, even as she ran five yellow lights on her way to the free way.

They didn't notice that the cars seemed to part as they swept down the 10, throwing occasional glares at each other. Roman saw her exit coming up and didn't bother to turn on her blinker as she cut him off.


"Take that, bastard!" she laughed arrogantly as she headed towards her street. Strangely enough, he was following her. "He's not going to run me down is he?" she asked as she turned into the parking lot of her building. It was under the building itself.

"Don't turn...don't turn...don't turn...NO!" Yosha gasped as he watched her turn into the parking lot of his building. "You have GOT to be kidding me!"

They parked in their assigned lots, only to discover that they were right next to each other. She tried to ignore him as she stomped past him, to the elevator. A few moments passed in silence as they waited for it to open.

When it did, they both rushed in at the same time and pressed the button marked '25' at the same time. Their fingers touched as the button lit up and they looked at each other. "What are you doing?!" they hissed at each other simultaneously. It only served to fluster them even more up.

"I happen to LIVE here." she stated.

Yosha crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Well, what a coincidence, so do I."

Silence. They stood on opposite sides of the elevator. At one point, the doors open and before one of the residents could walk in, they quickly rethought it and didn't. The tension in the air was too much and the door closed with just the two of them in there. The elevator music hummed out the local soft rock station, but it eased no tensions.

They didn't reach their floor fast enough and as soon as the doors open, Roman rushed out, leaving Yosha standing there, trying to keep his gentleman skills in check and not shove her out of the way to get out first. He came out after her. They passed the first two doors and then stopped at their own.

"No way..." Roman said as she looked over at his condo number 2500D.

He looked over at hers, right across from him. 2500C. "Fuck."

"Shit." They opened their doors at the same time and then slammed them shut.

Two limos were waiting outside the complex. Roman got off the phone with her mother and grabbed her red satin shawl with the black undertones. She was wearing a long dark red dress that was tight to her body. She had on a black beaded choker and dark red gloves and matching shoes.

Her hair was up in a bun with her red bangs framing her face in soft waves. Black bead earrings dangled from her ears as she looked herself once more in the mirror of her bathroom.

The dress was low enough to expose her ample cleavage, one of her favorite parts. It was off the shoulder and trailed in an almost mermaid dress like fashion. Her friend had designed it herself. The young woman grabbed her black and red purse as she slipped on her high heels and opened the door.

Just as she did, the door of 2500D opened and out stepped a sharply dressed Yosha, in an all black tuxedo with a Mandarin style white shirt underneath. He had white gloves on as he turned in his overcoat and locked his door.

When he turned around, Roman was fumbling with her keys, trying to get her door locked as soon as possible to avoid looking at him. He grinned as his eyes went up and down her body, appreciatively. He noticed her black cloak over her right arm as she shoved the key into it's hole and turned it.

"Where are you going?" he snickered.

"None of your business," she stated. She didn't look at him as she walked past. He grinned, watching her walk.

*She has a nice butt, I have to admit...* Yosha thought to himself. Roman's hips were a little wider than most and they swayed as she walked in front of him. They were almost to the elevator when Roman looked back with an annoyed look.

"Stop staring at me!" She could almost feel his eyes boring into her behind. *What's so good about that part anyway!?*

"Well, aren't we sure of ourselves?" he said as he arrived in front of the elevator behind her. She pressed the button a few times. "Pushing it five times won't make it come up faster." He snickered.

"Shove it."

"You may clean up very well, but your mouth can still use some soap." He tossed back.

She turned and glared at him, her gray eyes brought out by her make up. She was already flustered and Yosha smiled triumphantly, noting how pretty she was when she wasn't happy. "I don't want to deal with you. Can't you just be silent for the rest of the way down!?"

"Fine, fine," he said, lifting up his hands in defeat. The doors opened after a ding sound. "You look nice, though." He added as they entered. He pressed the ground floor button for them as Roman put the cloak over her shoulders and fastened it at the neck line.

"Thanks..." she whispered. The ride down was long and silent. He pulled out a pocket watch from his vest, underneath his coat. It was seven fifteen. The party had started and his parents were probably already there, expecting him.

Roman fidgeted next to him and he glanced over. Her gloved hands were playing with each other and her eyes were cast downward. "For someone who is dressed to stun the world, you sure don't look too happy."

"It's none of your business," she snapped. "And I thought you were going to be silent."

"Well, excuse me for caring." he retorted. Roman turned her head away and he got a good look at her profile. *Okay, so she's're so funny, Yosha. She's not cute. She's drop dead gorgeous...* "Have I seen you before? I mean previous to the other day when we met with Professor Graffon."

"I used to model a bit to pay for my post grad school," she replied quietly. "I didn't want my parents to have to pay for everything."

"Tell me about it," Yosha sighed. "I thought you looked familiar."

"Yeah, well, I'd rather not do it again," she said. There was a stretch of silence and Roman glanced at him shyly. He was looking straight at the door, his eyes calm and his jaw line relaxed. She envied him and his calmness. " do you really think I should find all new books?"

"No," Yosha replied. "Just two more...get rid of the first two we looked at. They wouldn't help. The others have sections on gender politics that might be of interest. If you want, I can call a friend of mine in Cairo whom I studied with. He might be able to help you with some research material."

Roman paused. *Is this the same guy who said I was stupid for choosing those books yesterday!?* "Thanks."

"I owe Professor Graffon," Yosha said as the doors opened. "He helped me a lot of as both an undergraduate and a grad student."

"Yeah...well...see you at the next meeting then."

"Yeah. Have fun."

"Right." The two of them walked in silence to the front of the building. The bellman opened the doors for the both of them and they were faced with two limos.

Yosha went to the second one, which was to the left, and Roman went to the first one, which was on the right. Their doors were opened, and they tried to ignore each other as they got in.

Roman's thoughts were pre-occupied with what she expected with happen that night. She had to meet her parents there. Tynan and Saphira were attending, so at least she would have someone to talk to. But then again, she might not have time.

Knowing Kannon, he would be there with his family, who were also attending. Then he would practically claim her and drag her around to show her off. Her hands made fists at her sides as she glared at the expanse in front of her.

In the limo behind hers, Yosha began to wonder why every turn Roman's limo made, his limo also made. He pressed the speaker. "Mr. Ulman," Yosha said. "You wouldn't by any chance know who is up ahead of us would you? They seem to be going to the same place."

"That is Miss Roman Obsidian, Master Yosha," Ulman's voice replied. "She is the daughter of Valentino and Sapentia Obsidian of Obsidian International."

"The shipping magnet?" Yosha asked, trying to place the name with the company.

"Yes, Master Yosha," Ulman continued. "She is also attending the Durid Anniversary Party."

"What else can you tell me about her?"

"Do you know her, Master Yosha?" Ulman asked. He quickly added. "Not to pry or anything..."

"Well, I know she's studying under my old college professor...the one who helped me get into grad school. She's his newest grad student. And we didn't get off on the right foot the other day," Yosha replied. He smiled. The chauffeur was always a good listener. "We also happen to be neighbors."

"What a small world, Master Yosha!" Ulman chuckled. "Miss Obsidian is the young woman that your parents want Master Kannon to marry. He's currently pursuing her."

Yosha nearly fell off the leather seat. "WHAT!?" he gasped. "That...He's...Her...WHAT!?"

"Their are rumors of engagement, but we have not heard any official word." the man replied.

"Thanks for the info," Yosha stated. He turned off the connection. "I'll keep that in mind."

Within a few moments, they arrived at the Fairmont. The limos arrived behind others and Roman's was ahead of his. As soon as the limo stopped, her door was opened by one of the doormen.

Like a scene from a movie, Roman stepped out of the dark limo like a star on the red carpet. She turned several heads as she got out of it. All around her, whispers started flying. She stepped forward, checking to make sure her dress was all right as she headed for the door.

Behind her, Yosha's limo arrived and he came out. His white hair was bound at the base of his neck and he also turned some heads as he came out. He saw Roman brushing off her skirt and he approached her. Smiling, he tapped her shoulder.

"What the!?" she gasped as she turned around. Her gray eyes were as big as dishes as she stared at him. "Yosha? What are you doing here?"

"It seems that both our families dragged us to the same anniversary party," he told her. "Listen, we got off on the wrong foot...I didn't mean to be so critical of your research."

"Apology accepted." Roman assured him, standing up straight and facing him. *My God, he's gorgeous in a tux... Look those broad shoulders...that tight ass...I love his eyes...*

"Now, would you do me the honor of accompanying me into the party? If we're going to work together, we can at least be friends." He stated, offering his arm.

Roman looked at him and then at his arm. Shyly, she put her arm in his and he lead her in. "Thanks," she said. "Just to warn you...there is some big jerk whose trying to get me to marry him. My parents are kind of pressuring me to as well, so..." She shrugged off her cloak and Yosha took off his over coat to check in to the gentleman at the front. They faced the doors.

"Don't worry," Yosha chuckled as the doors were opened for them. "I'll be the big strong man and protect you."

She rolled her eyes. "Funny," She couldn't help but laugh at his casual expression. She looked away as they headed towards the ballroom where the party was being held, trying desperately to control the blush on her face. While she was used to the attention, she'd never really cared who escorted her anywhere, but suddenly it mattered and she cared. They both flashed their invitations at the door and then were allowed it. "By the way," she said as they stepped in. "You look nice in a tux."

Yosha smiled and put his right hand over hers, which was on his left arm. He squeezed it in thanks. As soon as they entered the room, a flurry of rumors began to fly as people recognized them. Glances were thrown their way as they walked into the room arm in arm.

"Roman! There you are!" a voice said. A beautiful young blond woman with blue bangs ran over. She was wearing diamond earrings and a choker over a halter, dark blue dress. She turned and waved her hand. "Tynan, I found her!"

"Saphira! Hi!" Roman said. She let go of Yosha's arm and hugged the blond. "How are you? Did you just get here."

"We got here WAY too long ago," a man's voice sighed. Yosha glanced over at the lean, yet tall, lavender haired man. He watched as the young man dressed in a black tuxedo with a white shirt hugged Roman. He wondered what their association was, but was slightly relieved when the lavender haired man put his arm around the blond. "Your parents are looking for you."

"I'll get to them soon enough," Roman said. She looked over at Yosha, who stood there with a pleasant smile on his face. "Oh, Tynan, Saphira, this is Yosha Zircon. He's T. with me this quarter and was the last grad student Professor Graffon had. His family also dragged him to this."

"Ah! Nice to meet you, Yosha," Saphira said, extending her hand. "I'm Saphira Opaline, Tynan's fiancee."

"And I'm Tynan Mani," said the lavender haired man who extended his own after Saphira shook hands with Yosha. "Roman's cousin."

Yosha felt a rush of relief for some unknown reason as he shook hands with the Tynan. "Pleasure to meet you. You wouldn't by any chance see my parents-"

"Yosha! There you are!" a voice boomed.

Yosha smiled weakly as Tynan and Saphira stepped aside. "Never mind..."

Five people were walking over. Tynan immediately made the connection and tugged Saphira's hand to bring her closer to him. She looked at him confused. There was tall man with short, neatly cut white hair and blue eyes. Next to him was a beautiful woman with gold hair and golden eyes. She was petite and middle aged, but retained her youthful look.

Next to them was a tall, frighteningly powerful looking man with black hair and eyes. Next to him was a white haired woman with gray eyes. The woman was very pretty. Her hair was up in a bun and she was smiling as she wore a long white gown that covered her entire body and a shawl.

"Oh! I see you've already met!" the white haired woman beamed with pleasure as she noticed who Roman was with.

"Val, this is my youngest son," the white haired man told him. "Yosha Zircon. He took his mother's last name." He added to explain the different last name.

Yosha shook hands with the dark haired man and the woman who seemed to be his wife. Next to him, Roman tried to hide her confused face. "Mommy...Daddy..." she smiled weakly. "Mr. Hart, Mrs. are you?"

"Well, little brother," a bitter voice said behind them. Their attention turned to a tall, white haired man about the same height and build as Yosha. He had long white hair, also tied at the nape, and blue eyes. He looked like his father. "I see you've met to tell me how?"

"Nice to see you as well, Kannon," Roman's voice hissed. Her eyes narrowed in displeasure as she laid eyes on the other man. "A pleasure to be greeted so warmly."

"Roman!" her mother gasped in surprise at Roman's tone.

Kannon threw her a warm smile that seemed so fake. "Roman, my dear, I'm sorry to ignore you...I didn't know you knew my brother."

"She didn't know I was your brother," Yosha stated as he stood between Kannon and Roman. "She's a friend of mine from school. It just so happens that we met up here and I asked her if she'd escort me. We were talking about her dissertation topic."

"Oh! You're studying under Professor Graffon, as well?" his mother asked, excited. "I heard some great things about him from Yosha. I'm sure you'll do well under him."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hart," Roman smiled, finally feeling some sort of common ground with the woman. "He's a very good teacher. I can see from Yosha that he does an excellent job of preparing his students for doctoral fellowship."

Yosha smiled inwardly as his brother looked slightly angry. His blue eyes burned with contempt for his younger brother who seemed to be stealing away the most eligible woman in Los Angeles from him.

"Yosha," their father cut in. "Roman is one of the most eligible young women. Not many women are as educated and accomplished as she is."

"Yes," Kannon stated, his words oozing with sweetness. "She deserves only the best."

"That she does!" her father said. He shook hands with Yosha. "Please help Roman with her dissertation. I'm pleased that she found someone to help her with it."

"We must go mingle now," Mrs. Obsidian said. "But it was a pleasure meeting you, Yosha. Do keep in touch, yes?"

"Of course, madam." he said. He took her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Oh my! What a charmer!" she blushed as her husband laughed and lead her away. Roman smiled, amused.

"Please join us at our table later, Roman," his father said. "We'll see you two there!"

"See you later, love," his mother said as she leaned up and kissed his cheek. She winked at him and mouthed 'good luck'!

"Well, Roman, shall we get going?" Kannon asked, extending his hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Kannon," Roman said. She looped her arm around Yosha's and brought herself closer. "But I promised Yosha that I'd escort him tonight. Besides, I have a few more questions about some books that I'd like his opinion on. Perhaps next time, yes?"

Kannon smiled sweetly, but they all knew he wasn't happy. "Of time." He kissed the back of her hand and threw a glare at Yosha has he walked away.

Roman let out a heavy sigh and tore her hand away and shot him a glare. "How the hell are you related to Kannon Hart?"

Yosha struggled to keep himself from laughing. "He's my older half brother," Yosha said. "Trust me, it's not something I brag about."

"So you hate his guts, too huh?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Yosha shrugged.

"You can say that..."

She put her arm around his again. "Okay, I find you acceptable...let's mingle," she said. "This way, men will leave me alone."

"I highly doubt someone like me will keep them away from someone like you," he grinned. "After all, you are the most eligible girl here."

"Don't let the advanced college degrees, wealth, charm, grace, and modeling career fool you," she stated. "I'm a hard ass."

"I was going to say you have a nice ass, but all right." he grinned.

Roman pinched his arm lightly and he winced. He couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, laugh...go ahead," she said. "You're just jealous because mine is better than yours."

"So you've actually checked it out to make sure?" he grinned. He looked ahead with a smug smile on his face. "I'm flattered."

"Don't be."

"Too late."

Roman shook her head and felt his arm untangle from hers and slip around her waist. "What are you doing?"

"You want to keep men away right?" he asked with a smile. He looked down at her, giving her his most innocent face. "Then make with the 'I love you, Yosha' talk."

"Excuse me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "I believe you should be the one worshipping the ground I walk on."

"If I do, I couldn't see your pretty face, could I?" Yosha beamed. Roman blushed and her body grew warm. He smiled and chuckled as he rubbed his hand behind his neck. "Sorry...I'm making you uncomfortable. I haven't flirted in a long time."

"You were FLIRTING?" she teased.
