Disclaimer: MINE AND YOU KNOW IT! ^_^
Warnings: Um. I don't think that it's extreme enough for anything
else. ^_^;;
Blankface Babble: *walks over wearing layers of armor and armed with
weapons of all kinds* Um.I've been having a bit of a difficult time
concentrating on Midnight's Eve, Alexandra, and Hero's Ballad, but they're
in the works, so don't kill me! Please.! *curls up in a ball and cries*


Never Forever

You don't know me,
So don't try to figure me out.
You don't see me
Standing here,
So don't try to lure me into your embrace.
You don't hear me
Screaming out your name
With only the silence as my reply,
So don't say that I'm yours.

I never was
And I never will be.

You don't feel me,
So release me into a dark abyss.
You don't taste me,
Even when we kiss,
So don't waste your time.
You don't see my eyes
As I fall away from your grasp,
Luring you to my grave,
So don't say that you love me.

I never was
And I never will be.



Blankface Babble: Ok, well that ^_^;;. *laughs nervously*
Well, I'm just being completely random today, so I picked this poem out of
my folder of Crap that Sucks and well.I think that everyone can figure it
out from there. Please remember to review! *begs so that people will review
her sorry poem*