A Valentine's Dance

"Remember, class, three weeks until Valenitne's Day. We will still be holding our Valentine's Day dance, so please bring something sweet to eat if you can," Ms. Azure told her eleventh grade class.

Crimson looked up from her planner, then put her head back down. She started drawing a little stick person pulling his hair out, when a paper football interrupted her fottball read:

"Hey, Crimson, we're still meeting after school, right?"

Crimson drew a lightening bolt on the paper football and wrote: "Of course we're still meeting. I wouldn't miss it."

David looked really cute with his spiked brown hair and sophisticated clothes. David became Crimson's best friend as soon as her other friends paired off at the beginning of high school. It took her a long time to realize what David's friendship meant to weren't a couple, if that's what you're thinking, they were just really good friends.

Crimson tapped the earser tip of her pencil glancing to see David's response. David's silver eyes met Crimson's, and they smiled.

"Now, I need two people who are artistic and creative to do the decorations - Crimson and, let's see here, James. Would you two like to do the decorations?" Ms. Azure asked.

"I'm up to the challenge," James confidentally said.

"Sure, I'll do it," Crimson deflately.

Ms. Azure's voice trailed off as Crimson thought of the new responsibilty she now faced. "Great. I get to do decorations for the commercialized holiday of giving little candy hearts with the phrase 'I love you.' Big freakin' whoop. Now, I have homework, chores and drum practice for whatever gig David was able to pull," Crimson thought as she finished her drawing.

Ring Ring Ring

"Thank goodness that's the bell!" Crimson thought. She quickly grabbed her books and walked to her locker.

"Yo, Crimson!" James yelled. He wore his green camo pants and a dark green shirt; his blond hair and perfect teeth made him the most sought after guy at Washington Academy. "Hey. You want to meet after school today to discuss the decorations?"

Crimson put her notebooks and planner in hercluttered locker and said: "Sorry, I can't today, James. I have an important meeting with the band and David. Could we do it tomorrow?"

James ran his finger through his hair and said, "Sorry, Crim, no can do. For the next two weeks I have football practice. It's today or the day before the dance." James then looked into Crimson's

"Please do not call me Crim; my name is Crimson. I'll meet you in the gym since that's whrere the dance will be held in a couple minutes, okay?" Crimson said a little peeved.

"Great. See you in a few!" James said.

"Oh boy. I get to do decorations with James, a self-absorbent jock. Whoop-de-do." Crimson thought. She then re-arranged her books, and thought about what she would say to David.

She looked into her locker mirror and looked at her frizzy auburn hair.

"What am I supposed to say to David, hm?" Crimson said to her reflection. "Let's try this: 'David, I'm sorry, but I can't make it to the meeting. I have a decoration date with the biggest pig,'" Crimson thought aloud, "No, I would upset the powder-puffs that hang around David's locker. Let's see, how about 'David, I'm sorry, but something unexpectedly came up; I have to miss the meeting.'"

"Oh, Crimson, hey. You're gonna miss the meeting, why?" David closed his locker and looked straight at her.

"Oh, David! I didn't know I had already reached your locker. Um," Crimson gave a sigh and said, "I have to miss the meeting because the moussed jock doesn't want to miss the oh-so-important-practice of football," Crimson stuck her finger in her mouth almost as if she were gagging and said, "So, I have to miss the meeting to do the decorations for the dance."

David's eyes sparkled as he said, "Okay, but your going to miss the news I have."

"Good or bad?" Crimson said with a smile. David always made Crimson smile.

"Would I call everybody together to give them the bad news?" David sarcastically said.

"Aah! Why didn't you tell me it would be good news?! Man! I so do not want to go to this 'designing date' now! Promise to IM me tonight, please?" Crimson asked.

"Of course. I'll be on the computer at eight pm."

"Thanks, David. Now I'm off to slay the dragon of football!" Crimson courageously said.

"All hail Crimson! The master of decoration and slayingthe dragon - which has good hair." David said sarcastically.

"Okay, okay. I'll see you tonight."