He stirred groggily, groaning as he opened his eyes and was half-blinded by the sunlight coming through the window. He reached up and pulled the curtain above his head shut. She yawned softly, her eyes still closed, her fingers wound through his hair a little. He smiled softly, knowing she was awake, and leant in, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She opened her eyes slowly, smiling back at him, "Morning." He grinned, "Morning to you too. What do we have planned for today?" She smirked, poking him gently in the ribs, "Nothing for you, you're to stay in bed." He grumbled slightly and she kissed his forehead, "I never said I was going to leave you alone."
He grinned and bit at her neck gently. She giggled and untangled her fingers from his hair, "Do you want some breakfast?" He shook his head, his arms tightening around her, "No, I want to stay here with you." She smiled a little and snuggled down under the covers with him, looking up at him with her misty bluish-green eyes.
He touched her cheek gently and she smiled a little up at him, leaning in and softly brushing her lips against his. He let out an involuntary groan and placed his hand on the back of her neck, kissing her back, pressing a little at her lips. She smiled, parting her lips slightly, her tongue darting out and brushing against his softly.
The phone rang and she muttered something under her breath, picking it up as he buried his face in her neck, clinging to her, listening to her speaking. She sighed a bit, arguing with the caller, he could tell by her voice, and then gave in, hanging up. "I have to go and meet someone to arrange something. I'll be gone an hour at most." He stuck out his lower lip and she laughed, pushing back the stubborn stray locks from his face. "Don't worry, I'll have my mobile with me, so you can call me if you start to get worried." She untangled herself from his arms, "I'm going to have a shower, and then choose what to wear." She stuck her tongue out at him playfully and got up, sauntering into her bathroom and shutting the door behind her, the faint strains of the radio reaching his ears.
A few minutes later, she stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in her towel, and picked her way across the floor to her closet. He grinned a bit and rolled onto his side, facing the closet door as she rummaged through drawers and racks. "What should I wear?" He smirked, "I don't know, just something simple because you're only gone for a little while?" She glanced at him and grinned, "I suppose you're right, will this do?" She held up a denim skirt and a black t-shirt and he nodded approvingly, "Casual, but good."
She shut the door and then reappeared a moment later, fully dressed. She sat herself on the edge of the bed and frowned, "Do you know where my stilettos are?" He raised himself up on his elbow a bit and shook his head, "Did you kick them under the bed?" She frowned more and slid onto her knees, peering under the bed. A moment later she reappeared, holding them up triumphantly before slipping them on and leaning over, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "I'll be back soon, help yourself to anything you want." He nodded and wrapped his arms around her, squeezing gently. She gently untangled herself and vanished out the door.
He sighed a little and rolled over again, the spot next to him still warm. He snuggled up under the covers, breathing in the faint scent of her perfume, trying to remember something to lull him back into the dream he was having.
iFlashback. Paris, age seventeen, walks through the mall, frowning slightly before heading to the information desk. "Excuse me, but do you know where I could find the movie theatre?" The woman at the desk nods, pointing behind her, "Take those escalators down and you're there." He nods and heads over, standing on the escalator, keeping his eye out. Mira, age fifteen, stands down the bottom, near the bookshop, with Cass and Alex, chatting idly, but still watching the entrances like a hawk. She spots him and he turns, catching her eye. She grins and, as he reaches the bottom, starts walking towards him. He meets her about halfway and grins, "Mira?" She nods, biting her bottom lip slightly, as she does when she's nervous. "Paris?" He nods and without warning reaches out and pulls her into a hug, his lips next to her ear, "I've waited two years for this." She clings to him, whispering back, "So have I."/i
[AN: Sorry it's such a short chapter, I have to transfer the rest, and this is all I had. Will be updating shortly!]