There will always be a time
When everything would seem
To be against flowing streams
Seemingly futile in effort
They break nonetheless
Hearts set on fire
The stream could only
Flow where it could
For it cannot stop
The stream could only
Press on and on
For time does go on
Some tries to divert
A stream from its path
Ending in triumph
A stream now diverted
Flowing where some wants
It is unable to refuse
Some tries to barricade
A stream from ever flowing
With much effort for accomplishment
A stream now barred
Stagnant where some wants
It cannot rebel
From the heart of the earth
From warms springs above
Slowly and surely flowing away
A stream's one wish
Will always and only be
To flow unhindered
A stream's one wish
Has and always have been
To join the great ocean blue
The stream will always wish
It will one day flow without restraint
It will one day join the great waters blue.
Do you know of the stream?
Do you know of the great waters blue?
Do you know at all?
I do, for I have seen.
I do, for I have lived.
I do, for I have wished.
My only wish is to reach the great waters blue…