There is a torment in my soul
That lurks deep within the shadows...concealed
It waited, so patient...
It watched...learned...merged with my shadows.
Now in its venomous hatred it dares come out,
cloaked...protected by the darkness it has spun round itself.
Its time has come...revenge...
It has craved it...for so long, its reasons known only to itself.
I seem powerless...with its emergence I am cast into turmoil,
Its presence is confusion...
I am one
The pain and hopelessness rip into my spirit,
I'm beaten...waves of blood pour from my wounds.
Still I feel its hatred...its furry.
It will never stop...its thirst is never quenched,
I'm very tears away all I am.
Will it ever end?
My Tormentor by invisiblebob
Poetry » Life Rated: K+, English, Supernatural, Words: 134, Published: 2/13/2004