Little One
Little One run about in my dreams;
Unmade toes, unthought hands, unformed lips;
Your toes on tiny feet, carrying you here and there,
never still, always unbearably out of reach.
Your miniature hands and adorable fingers,
bringing me intangible flowers and imaginary caresses.
Your unknown lips, whispering unheeded, unsaid adorations;
offering ethereal, taunting kisses.
Little One run about in my dreams,
Never leave me til you finally come,
Know I truly always loved you,
Know I truly always will;
Little One running about in my dreams,
Until one day when you are seen,
Running quickly to my arms,
Once inside held so close;
Your whisp'ring words heard and heeded,
Your tangible hands with soft caresses,
Your formed lips full of sweet kisses,
Until then my Dearest Love; Come soon; We're waiting