My perfect Man

My heart is beating, I don't know why
I don't know how I feel
I don't know who I'm
Am lost
Seeing into your eyes
I can't feel
I can't touch
I wonder if you real
I see you and I can't believe it
You're just the perfect guy
You jokes are so funny
It makes me fall down from the sky
Your smile is so beautiful
It makes me fall deep in love
You're just the perfect guy
I try to reach the limit that you'll love me back
But I seem that I've hit a stop
Your body so perfect, your skin so soft
Your dark beautiful eyes look straight into mine
Your lips so undesirable
It makes me want to kiss you
I feel I a going to melt, is it a dream
Or are you really there?
You're just the perfect man
That I'll always love
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