When the snow of summer begins to fade,

And the noon day sun no more casts shade,

When winter's heat begin to fail,

And humans live without their tail

When the wind begins to blow leaves back,

And hope does lie within attack,

When troubled minds seek cure from same,

When all we know has become a name

When love has lost the will to hold,

And fear does every life enfold,

When tears are forced in children's eyes,

And all our truths are thought as lies

When peace is shattered, forever gone,

When most desire to not live on,

When the land is covered in our waste,

And even air has lost it's taste

Then is our time, then is our place,

We are one, a different race,

We are one, and separate still,

And view all life to have some thrill

We shall show the world new hope,

We shall guide them, help them cope,

For life shall revert to what was past,

And then we shall know peace at last