"Life is about love," they say.
Where does God fit into that?
"Oh, God is Love," they'll claim.
I don't buy it, never have.
No one has an answer.
And no one ever has.
Would we even listen,
If someone knew at last?
Perhaps Life isn't a question.
Maybe it's the answer.
The question was then,
Before Life had begun.
"Why is there nothing here?"
The Darkness asked itself.
"I don't know," it said right back,
"But we could use some Light."
How did we get here?
No one knows, but some claim to.
We all say we have an answer.
Makes us feel important, better than animals.
Evolution, schools teach.
Creation, pastors preach.
And theoretical hands reach
Around the throat of each.
"You're wrong, wrong."
They chant, but still they ask.
Still they crave an answer
To the unanswerable question.
Truly, genuinely,
Solidly, scientifically,
Theologically, really,
Absolutely, presently:
Why are we here?