The moment is bright, joyous, still just today.
It fills me, balancing eternity's weight.
It won't ever fade; I'll keep it locked away.
Time won't know it's there, not until it's too late.
I relish it for a while, reminisce with friends.
That instant stays with me, cheers me on boring days.
Then something happens, though. Then my laughter ends.
It's fading, slipping, gone now, and nothing I can chase.
It's the last light from the hall, when the door closes on your room.
It lingers awhile, 'til someone decides to flip the switch.
Like someone took your life's dust with one swipe of a broom.
All that you're aware of is that one, last prickling itch.
And now it's gone forever
You don't know what you miss.
Now Time's off its tether
And it hits you, like a fist.