I miss the hope I once had
The one that you gave me
But it was took away with your lies and misfortune
Why did you do this?
Leave me here with slit wrists and arms
You took away the dependency I had on you
I thought you loved me
That you would be there for me
Why did you leave and run away?
With all the problems you had,
I was still there by your side
To make a smile upon your face
Why were you not with me when I needed you the most?
Even if it was a lie
I still miss that person who brought a smile upon my face
The reassurance that you brought me

Now I have given up that hope
Do you realize now why I do this to you?
I am giving you the simple taste of what you have done
Why must you use vituperative remarks towards me?
I have only done a small impression of what you have accomplished
The accomplishment of what you see me today
But does it not hurt?
Do you now miss the person who used to be by your side?
To support you and talk to you

I will never have the heart to do what you have done to me
So many nights where I cried and hoped you would be there
So many days were I hoped I would see you and support me
Do you know exactly what I miss?
Will you get what I am trying to point at?
I know you will never understand
You still are that person who will never change back
You continuously blame your faults upon others
Will you ever know what I truly miss?