Untitled #2~
Night has sunken, slowly rising
Skies of black and starlit blue
The still of silence, gently sighing,
Dreaming of a world made new.
Spring peepers softly sing again
Rising, haunting, from the night
A song to usher springtime in
Winter's sorrow, reborn light.
A/N: (Or is it P/N?) Omg…TITLES. Can't…think…grr….
I don't even know if these two stanzas go together well…What do you think? Hmm.
Please review, if you don't wanna that's fine. Thanx. ^_^
A/A/N: I've just realized that ficpress is being a bother and not uploading right. So the first stanza ends at "Dreaming of a world made new". Sorry! I'll try and find a way to fix this.