Everyday it's the same
The same ridicule
Ridicule that echoes in my mind
My mind is never quiet
Your words
Your words are knives
The knives that leave these cuts
These cuts all over my flesh
My flesh that hardly shields my feeble will
Today it was the same
The same sadistic remarks
Sadistic remarks that are the puppets
The puppets you use in you're theater of cruelty
Your actions
Your actions are fire
The fire that burns as my pain
My pain of not knowing what you really mean
What do you really mean?
Tomorrow will be the same
The same torture I face
I face everyday trying to be a friend
A friend you can't help but ridicule
What did I say?
What did I say today?
What did I do to deserve this?
Why do you think I deserve this?
Everyday, Today, Tomorrow
When will you stop?
When will you see my pain?
When will you be a friend?
Like you label me as