The Journal submits its third story...
The Devil's Playground
Anna Ferland has hated Connor O'Hanely ever since grade school with his immature taunting and his pompous, chauvinistic attitude that she firmly believes has transpired to rule his life. However, college is approaching and Anna hasn't been more relieved in her life. No more harassment, no more petty cliques and no more pretending to fit into a teen-culture she wanted nothing to do with in the first place.
For the first time in her life, Anna spends a year away from her home town at a northern university and was free from the orphan-pity her beloved town had placed on her. When she comes back for the summer, more stubborn and independent than ever, she plans on maintaining her tradition of boat working, hanging out on the boardwalk with the older generations and gaining as much nautical knowledge as possible from the weathered seamen.
The tranquil summer life-style was too good to be true and within days of being back for the summer, Connor approaches her on the town's prestigious boat yard docks with a hefty proposition - Charter his family yacht down to the Cayman's for him and a bunch of his college buddies and in return he'd give her anything she wanted.
Unwilling to do anything for Connor, but also unwilling to let go of such a great opportunity Anna accepts and completes the journey in exchange for money. Eventually, Connor returns – this time a greater proposition – Charter the family yacht to their house in the Southern Cook Islands to the Avatiu Harbor.
What will she say?
And if she agrees, will the weather remain good with the hurricane season fast approaching?
Will Anna learn to tolerate Connor?
Could she learn to love him?