Progression of age
A little girl lies on the side walk,
She watches the world go by,
A man dies,
A baby is born,
A man is saved,
A baby is aborted,
Still she watched the world go by,
All life ends,
All life begins,
She smiles and laughs at the flowers,
Sitting up she fells the tug of age,
She runs,
With or against it as she desires,
Lips and fingers stained,
Strawberries or blood,
It never maters to her,
A Man at a bus stop,
Stooped in shadow,
Folded in age,
He holds out his hand for her,
'Come let us leave this Babylon'
She laughs and turns away,
Leaving behind her child like security,
And she is afraid,
She licks the red from her fingers,
Only to find the stain permanent,
She turns back to the man,
Reaches out her hand,
Black drips from her lips and eyes,
He is only shadows,
Cobwebs and death,
The little girl no longer wants to watch the world go by,
No smiling,
No laughter,
She has left her child like security behind,
And she is afraid.
Progression of age by angelical nightmare
Poetry » Life Rated: K+, English, Poetry, Words: 186, Published: 5/12/2004