Warnings: A rather depressing piece, but oh well. Rated PG for that.
Summary: "My heart is shattered/ My soul is breaking/ My lungs collapsed and I'm suffocating."
Blankface Babble: Ah, the joys of depression. What would we do without it? XD
I'm on the ground
Sobbing in my hands
I can't keep up with the supply and demand
My heart is shattered
My soul is breaking
My lungs collapsed and I'm suffocating
All is lost
There is no more
Though hollow and cold, my body is sore
I'm on the ground
My lips are blue
All because I relinquished you
Blankface Babble: Well, that was sad. XP I'm still surprised that I made this thing rhyme, no matter how sorry the rhyme scheme is. ^_^