Death of the Cicadas: A Series of Random Rants


Oh, winged, noisy bug,

I long to see your red eyes,

Crushed beneath my boot.


Cicadas are foul-mouthed and mean,

To chatter in corners unseen,

So Jade bought some nerve gas,

Amongst them she did pass,

Then afterwards Jade-chan did preen.


Sing a song of cicadas,

Dancing in the air,

Wailing out a mating call,

As they caress your hair.

Oh dear, what a nusiance,

Enough to make me scream.

I'd rather eat some pickles,

Mixed in with ice cream.

Someone bought a giant can,

Of Brand-A insecticide

But before he could use it,

He fell over and died

All the girls were weeping,

All the guys asleep,

Until the 'cadas came to town,

And claimed it as their keep.

Then all the girls went lunatic,

And tried to squash them flat,

But tripped over the sleepyheads,

And whacked them with their bats.

The cicadas saw and laughed at this,

A silly human sight,

While their eggs slept in repose,

Until the waking light.


C reeping

I cky

C rying

A ntagonist

D raining

A udibility
