Do you really know what you know?
Or do you think you know what you know
Or maybe you know what you don't think you know.
Or maybe what you know isn't really what you know.
But what does it matter right?
It doesn't matter anything
Because nothing matters to you now
Now that you have something that matters.
Are you who you are?
Or are you who you think you are?
Or maybe you are who you don't think you are.
Or maybe what you are isn't what you really are.
Do you get what I'm saying yet?
Are you a killer?
Or am I the killer?
Are you killing me?
Or am I killing you?
Are you killing me cause I was killing you?
Or am I killing you cause you were killing me?
Are you killing me cause I was killing you with the truth?
Or am I killing you cause you were killing me with the truth?
Is this reality?
Or is it a dream.
Were you reality?
Or were you a dream?
Am I reality?
Or am I a dream?
Were you my reality?
You were my dream.
Was I your reality?
I was your dream.
Do you get what I'm saying yet?
Look into the mirror
Is it your reflection?
Or is it my reflection.
Is it your reflection looking at my reflection?
Or is it my reflection looking at your reflection.
Is it your reflection looking at my reflection cause I made you?
Or is it my reflection looking at your reflection cause you made me.