If you're busy Mister
Don't bother with me
But I want to ask
For a favor, a change
My road's lost its glitter
It's dusty and littered with
Broken chips that were meant to
Be my dreams and hopes yet
Instead they're shattered
Stepped on underfoot
I ask for a favor, Mister
Be it a song or a grin
It's been silent too long
I'm craving a dance
My laugh, it appears got
Drowned out by my tears
Please give me a song
Be it short or long
And lend me a smile
To borrow awhile
If you're too busy
Don't bother with me
But before you move on,
Do this for me
Don't give me your change, your
Smile or your song
Just smile yourself-
Laugh, be happy and
Go on with your day.
A Favor, Mister by Broken Spiral
Poetry » General Rated: K+, English, Words: 145, Favs: 2, Published: 6/15/2004