A.n. I'm going to rewrite this, so its better, after I finish the first chappie of my holocaust story, and my "typical magic" one. Don't forget to read Null by theatreoftheabsurd. R&R, even if you've done so before, because that's the only way I keep my stories from getting too stupid and cliched. And, if you don't review, then I get mad. And when I get mad, I get my gun. And, I have carrots! And cookies. But the cookies are a bit stale, and *bites a cookie* not very good. Actually, its revolting. Is that a worm? But anyways, you get moth ridden cookies if you do review, and shot if you don't. (I stole the cookies from cireste. I should've stolen the muffins too.)

Andy looked at the walls. No doors, no marks. He tapped the walls, to see if any of them were hollow, or less dense. They weren't. Then Andy looked at the floor. None of the carpeting looked any different then other parts, but he decided he couldn't tell if there was a trapdoor or not from this, and he was about to ask Kelly to help him to pull up the carpeting, when Alex poked him a few times, and gestured upwards. "What? I'm trying to get us out of here!"

"Um, Andrew. . ." Alex said cautiously. Andy looked pretty steamed.

"Andy," he interrupted.

"Okay, Andy, look up." he did, and noticed a skylight through which sunlight was illuminating the room. "We could use this to get out."

"And how will we do this. I can't fly and neither can y. . . never mind. Can you lift us up there?"

"I'll try." Alex grabbed Andy's shoulders and pumped her wings. She jumped in the air, and kind of hovered, Andy acting as an anchor almost. When she pulled him up with her, they both fell down.

"Idiot. You have to put your power into your wings to make them stronger." Damien snorted, and stood up. "Close your eyes." Alex did. "What color do you see?"

"That's really strange. I see yellow. . ."

"Good. That's your power. Now imagine that your hand is reaching out and pulling out some of the yellow stuff. Good, now imagine that power being put into your wings. Don't try to envision them, because you probably don't know what they look like. Think of their feel."

"That feels funny. . ."

"Good. That means its working. Now try lifting him again."

She grabbed Andy again, and this time lifted him with ease. She unlocked the skylight, and took Andy through it, into the room above. During this time, Kelly expanded into a gas, and floated up in through the skylight, before becoming more dense. As Alex went down again, to get the others, Andy noticed a wall of brush at the end of the room. He went over to it, and started clearing out a few square inches, hoping that there would be a door at the other side. Just as Alex lifted up Damien, the last, Andy cleared out the last of the square inch, only to be confronted by a wall of ice. "Shit." He turned around, and addressing the other five, told them what he'd found. Damien just rolled his eyes.

"And what is your power?" he asked Andy, as if he was a small child, walking him through.

"Fire. . ." as mentioned before, Andy has a low threshold for condescension.

"And what do dried branches do when confronted with fire?" Damien asked in the same voice.

"Burn. . ." Andy's still mad at Damien for the condescension, so this is his pissed off voice.

"And what does Ice do?" Damien's being condescending.

"Melt. . ." Andy's being mad.

"And will this help?" You know the drill.

"Yes. . ." Why am I writing this?

"Good boy." Damien's still condescending.

"So, how do I burn it, oh powerful son of Satan?" No comment.

"Devil! Do I have to explain everything? You do the same thing as Angel did, except you put your power on the dried wood!"

Andy did, and the brush caught fire immediately. Damien looked pleased, and he smiled smugly. As the ice melted, the water put out the fire, but Andy just lit it again, and the water flowed out through the skylight, the lowest point in the room. When the brush was gone, and the ice cleared away, they stepped into the next room, a pure white one, with five identical sides, two sides, a top, a bottom, and the one the were facing. The only blemish was a small hole, smaller then a finger, in the middle of the floor.

Andy's eyes lit up, and he excitedly proclaimed, "I get it! Its like Zelda! Kelly, shrink down to the size of the hole, and I'll drop you in!" Kelly did as she was bidden, and Andy dropped her in. The door opened, Adam used his telekinesis to extract her, and they walked through the door that had materialized in the wall. In this room, there was a wall of lasers between the six and the next door, which was next to the switch.

Adam stepped forward, and smiled. "My turn," he dropped the switch across the room, and the lasers disappeared. "Easy." Adam smiled.

In the next room, there was a three by three grid, and 9 different colored pieces that resembled checker pieces. There was also exceptionally deep water, and a glint of color Damien sighed, and said resignedly, "My turn." He turned towards the water, and after a few seconds, he said, "Left to right. Red. Orange Yellow. Green. Blue. Indigo. Violet. Black. White." Andy placed the checkers on the board in that order, and another door appeared, out of thin air.

"Well, that was easy," Andy remarked, before stepping through. "I thought this little "test" of theirs would be har. . ." and then they saw him fall, and scream, and fall, and then scream some more, and fall, and then, scream a bit, and then fall.