Hungry for prey
Eyes wide
Tail flying
Muscles twitching at the slightest sign
Of subtle movement
Tabby stripes
Standing straight
Haunches taunt
Claws flexed
Back arched
Paws in position
Preparing for pounce
And she springs
Throwing herself high
Into the sliding glass door
A kittens' mew
As a mosquito buzzes
Beyond her reach
But she turns
And settles again
For a mighty huntress
Is hungry for her prey
The hunter
Strong and proud
Basking in the sunlight
Ears alert
And he stiffens
When the tiniest rustle
Reaches him
Head perks up
Eyes open
Orange brightness
Paws steady
Body long
Power surrounds him
White shines, perfect as snow
Flame tabby orange
Gleams down his back
Nose twitches
Tail flops
And he jumps
A racing bullet
To the far side of the room
Latching his jaws
Over a prize
Stolen form the huntress
A joyful jingle can be heard
From the blue toy ball
The hunter
Strong and proud
Goes back to basking in the sunlight
Two kittens
Curled together
Whiskers tickling
Purring sleepily
A kitten yawn
Pink soft tongue
Teeny kitty teeth
Tabby orange
Licks tabby gray
Kitty kisses
As they fall into kitty dreams
Paws shift
With kitty gestures
Ears flick
With kitty cuteness
They nuzzle the bed covers
While the hot wind rustles
The dry African grass
The hunter
And the huntress
Lie drowsy under
Safari sun
Two kittens curled together
In proud and mighty
Kitty dreams