I believe richness depends on what really matters - Who you are inside. How you feel, what you say, what you do, what you believe, what you love, what you hate.
In the end, material richness does not make someone a happier, or better person. Worse than that, it can create selfishness or greed. I am in constant fear of becoming selfish or greedy. Because what really matters to me is inner richness. And I get that when I am not selfish or greedy with my material riches. It makes me so angry to see rich people like Bill Gates, sheltering their money. Think of all the poverty-stricken lives they could save if they gave what they didn't need away! If the richest 1/5 of the world gave 0.2% of their wealth to the poor, we would solve world hunger. But its not just the rich - the entire world is becoming greedier and greedier with material things. The primary causes of war are countries that have enough, wanting more land, more power, and more money. Billions of people have died because of this greed. The bible says, "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil". More money is spent annually on cosmetics, than on world poverty. Cosmetics! Do we love our neighbour as ourselves? Do we even love our neighbour at all? It is horrific how selfishly greedy the world has become. Most of the world is living in poverty - It could have been you or me! Here in New Zealand we are incredibly rich, and can afford to give some money away. Imagine if you were hungry most of the time? If you lived on the street? If you worked 12 hours a day scrubbing floors, making cigarettes, and still did not have enough money for dinner? Because this could so easily have been ourselves! Martin Luther King said, 'Let us develop a kind of dangerous unselfishness," because remember: greed kills, selflessness brings life.