Ok, this is NOT about the TV series. I KNOW! But you BETTER read it and NO FLAMES, we MEAN IT! PLEASE! Oh, and we're begging you... PLEASE READ IT!
In the shadows of the dark room, only a computer and a pair of speck-free glasses shone. The tap-tap-tap of typing echoed around the young woman sitting in the computer chair. She was glad to be alone. It made her feel like she didn't exist. And right now, she didn't want to.
She tensed at the sound of a creaking door behind her. Of course, she knew who it was, but the sound still made her tense. After all these years... she thought jokingly to herself. It's not as if the DOOR did anything to you. It was the person coming THROUGH the door... She shuddered. Just thinking about that dreadful night made her want to hide away in her room and never come back out.
"Owl, PLEASE tell me you found her." said a very sleepy voice behind her.
"Look Phoenix. If you're tired, then go to bed. There's more to do than just finding this girl. I have to print her files and go over them carefully, I have to make sure she hasn't been drawn in, I have to see if I can come up with any more information on His next move, I have to-"
"So, let me guess: The fact that we are almost completely out of fuel doesn't bother you in the least?" Was Phoenix's rude interruption.
"Oh... well, I guess we'll have to land this thing eventually." Owl sighed. She rifled through her desk drawers until she found the landing key. She threw it at the almost too spunky fifteen year old behind her, who made what many old timers would refer to as a "Baseball Dive" to catch it. Apparently, a sport called "baseball" was very popular on the planet Earth.
"You IDIOT! You almost broke the landing key!" Phoenix screeched. Owl tucked a strand of light brown hair behind her ear and continued typing. Phoenix had often envied Owl's hair. It was a light brown, almost toffee, a color you would never find in a bottle. It was always silky and straight, much more manageable than her own wavy blonde locks.
She stomped her foot in frustration. "Will you just get off your computer and HELP!" Phoenix yelled at her friend.
Owl chose to ignore the question. She was much more involved in trying to find the mysterious super-strong woman, whom apparently was never beaten once in an out-and-out fight. It was all quite mysterious, to be honest. No birth records, no school records, not even a last name. No picture either. They just called her "Hawk". That's all they knew.
Hawk the Mysterious Super-Strong Woman. Owl thought, picturing something in her mind that closely resembled a comic book.
"UGH! Fine. I'll do it myself. Just don't blame me if we crash down in flames." Phoenix sighed.
Owl grinned at her best friend with triumph. "Now WHEN have YOU ever let that happen?"
Phoenix left the room, landing key in hand. Owl began typing some more search codes that she thought might give her a link. It was going well, when all of a sudden, the screen went completely red, and lights began flashing everywhere.
Oh, God! Not again! Owl's mind was screaming at her. What's that, third time this week? He's gaining power. I can feel it.
She stopped thinking about the strong woman, or anything else for that matter. She had to stop Meteor. Somehow...
The ship landed on a planet called Cultizan. It was full of life and the only thing Owl could think about was the many deaths Meteor had just caused. Meteor. God, did she ever hate that name. It was the name of her mortal enemy. The name of the evil that haunted her life, as well as many others.
Meteor. The Master of the Darkness, or, as many preferred to call him, The Estranged Evil. He was crazy. He wanted the entire universe destroyed. There were things that made him into a powerful man, and he knew the shadiness behind them. The thing he liked best to do, more than anything, was to destroy. He would take his fleet, and have them ransack cities and kill everything that moved. This only used to happen once every so often. But now, as he gained even more power among the universe, it happens two to three times a week. It often made Owl sick to think about it.
"I'm gonna go get some supplies for the ship, Kay Owl?" said the ever hyper Phoenix, who never could stay mad at Owl for long.
"Huh? Oh, ok. Whatever." Owl mumbled to the now retreating form of her best friend and adopted sister.
Owl began to walk. She didn't really know exactly where she was going, she didn't exactly know why she was going there. She just walked. She let her spirit drift into a dream as she kept walking. A dreamland where Meteor was gone and she could live in peace.
She began to think about Phoenix. That spunky little girl was just barely fifteen. Owl had found her when she was eight, and when Owl was just turning nineteen. The poor girl had been reduced to begging, and Owl had helped her. They became sisters at heart, and then eventually with a legal contract. Oh, how happy they were. How long they had waited for each one thing. Owl, a friend. Phoenix, a family.
Still not knowing exactly where she was going, or why, Owl continued to walk. And as she continued to walk, she continued to think.
Suddenly, it all clicked together. Hawk. No last name, jumping from place to place, a hard-headed stubbornness that one only gets from life on the streets. Hawk was an orphan. Just like Phoenix. Except no one rescued her. No one was there to catch her in a safety net. No one was there to be her friend.
She was snapped out of her ingenious thoughts by the extremely annoying sound of her communicator. The sound was just excruciating enough to finally make Owl hit the talk button. No, not hit. Pound.
"What's wrong, Phe? What's going on?" She calmly asked through the communicator.
"Owl, you gotta get over here. Come to the 'Shining Silver' Tavern on Grace Street. And fast!"
Owl looked up and discovered that she was, thankfully, already on Grace Street.
"I'm on Grace Street. Where? North or South?"
"Um... Do you see a building with loud sounds coming from it, and a large chunk of the wall missing?" Phoenix asked.
"And a bunch of screaming people running away from it? Yeah, I'm right across the street." Owl said, feeling a little dumb that she hadn't noticed it before.
"Get over here." Phoenix screamed. The communicator lay forgotten on the ground as Owl began to run toward the building in question.
As she stepped into the tavern, she noticed the place was completely in shambles. Not a single glass or piece of furniture was unbroken, and the chandeliers, which weren't anything more than candles hanging from the ceiling anyway, were dripping their wax on the already cluttered floor.
In the center of the room was a girl. She didn't exactly look menacing, but apparently she was the one everyone was running from. Her eyes were obscured by a dark pair of shades, and her dark red hair added even more to her mysterious look. Right then, the girl was frowning as if in thought. It was only then that Owl noticed the small man cowering in a back corner.
"K-k-keep away from me!" The man yelled. It was an anguished cry, which showed that he did not want to show his fear, but was unable to hide it.
"Why should I? You were the one who started the fight. You asked for it! You were the one who had to make me mad, and it's not like I didn't warn you to stay away." She said in an innocent voice that made Owl want to laugh, as if it was some kind of joke that the guy was about to practically get killed.
"No, Please, just leave me alone!" the man was screaming now. It was pathetic.
Owl finally decided to speak up. This man had lost the will to fight.
"Hawk! Let him Go!" She said in a loud voice.
The girl whipped around to face her, tore off the shades to reveal bright green eyes full of confusion and malice. "Who are you? Answer me." She hissed.
"My name is Owl. You are the mysterious super-strong woman I hear so much about, are you not?"
At this, the girl's face contorted into a sly grin. "One and the same."
Owl sighed, looked at her straight in the eye, and said in a level voice "We need your help."
TBC! Well, what do you think of Our First Chappy? R&R!