P - Psyche

C - Cupid

V -Venus

J - Jupiter

S1 - Psyche's Oldest Sister

S2 - Psyche's Younger Elder Sister

IS - Invisible Servant

M - Mercury


SCENE ONE: (Olympus, Venus's palace. Venus and Cupid standing on balcony).

V - Cupid! Come here - do you see that wretched girl in the crystal globe? Her name's Psyche. What kind of name is that?

C - Yes, she's incredibly beautiful.

V - What do you mean? Aren't I the most beautiful goddess, Venus the goddess of love?

C - Well, yes mother.

V - Mortals have been worshipping her, instead of me! Some even say she is the goddess of love, can you believe that? I want you to make her fall in love with the ugliest creature you can find - make her wish she had never been born. Do you hear me?

C - Yes, mother. (Cupid leaves, Venus paces the floor. After some time, Cupid returns)

C - Mother, I've done as you've asked - I've told Apollo to tell his oracle to give Psyche's father a prophecy. Psyche has to dress in black mourning clothes and be taken to a mountaintop. She will be married to a winged serpent of whom even Jupiter is afraid. In the meantime I have made sure that no one else will seek to marry her.

V - Excellent, my darling! You make your mother proud!(Venus and Cupid leave the scene) SCENE TWO: (Cliff top, forest and palace at bottom. Psyche is standing on a box/chair/mountain.)

P - Oh, woe is me! Curse my prettiness, and the people who worshipped me! Now I'm doomed to marry a monster. I'm so tired from worrying, I think I shall go to sleep. (She goes to sleep. A kindly wind whispers around her and carries her down the mountain/box/chair and she wakes up at the bottom.) Oh! It seems a kindly wind has carried me down the mountain! (She wanders around a bit, looking around.) Where am I? Oh my, look at this palace. It's so beautiful, covered with gold and precious gems; it looks fit for a god! (She wanders hesitatingly inside the doors.) This is amazing, so beautiful! Look at all these treasures, and not a single guard to protect them!

IS - Do not fear, Psyche! This is the house of your husband. Behold all that you see is yours to command. Make yourself comfortable; we will attend to your every need. Here is a bed for you to rest in, if you wish.

P - How wonderful! I do feel tired; I think I shall rest now. (Psyche lies down on bed. Darkness falls. Cupid enters, and sits beside her. Psyche wakes up)

P - W-who are you?

C - Don't be afraid, my beautiful Psyche. I am your husband. I will look after you for ever and ever. My dear, your sisters have come to the mountain and are mourning your death. If you hear their cries, don't answer them for if you do, all will be lost.

P - Oh, my poor sisters! But I must let them know I'm alright, please let me see them once more, dear husband. Let them visit me, if only for a little while!

C - No, they'll bring disaster upon us.

P - But I'll be so lonely during the daytime when you're not here; I'll die if I don't see them!

C - If it will make you happy, darling, then you may see them. My servant, the kindly wind Zephyrus will bring them to you. But be warned, do not listen to their counsel and try to see my face for if you do all that you have recently gained shall be lost. (Cupid leaves scene, Psyche follows).

SCENE THREE: (cliff top)

S1 - Psyche! Our poor baby sister!

S2 - What cruel monster has taken you from us and condemned you to a life of misery?

P - My dear sisters, weep no more! I am here, and well. Please stop that terrible noise, and dry all your tears! Zephyrus, bring my sisters to me. (Sisters jump of cliff/chair/box, and come to Psyche) Come see my fine home!

S1 - O my, what luxury our little sister lives in!

S2 - This is nothing less than a palace! Your husband must be extremely wealthy, who is he?

P - Well - He's a fine young man.

S2 - What does he look like?

P - Oh, he's so handsome! He has his first beard. And he just loves hunting!

S1 - Lucky thing! And what does he do during the day?

P - Oh, you know - he hunts - um; look I've kept you too long. Here are some gifts, gold and jewels for you to take back home. Give good tidings to my parents for me. Zephyrus take them home! (Sisters go to left, Psyche exits on right. Sisters walk on stage, talking)

S2 - That wretched girl! What right does she have to a fine husband and palace, while we are stuck here with our old, ugly and grumpy husbands?

S1 - Every single day I have to change my husband's bandages - his hands are completely ruined! It's horrible - I'm nothing more than a nurse. Psyche doesn't deserve her good fortune.

S2 - You saw how proud and arrogant she is! We must knock her off this high pedestal she's on. (Sisters depart)

SCENE FOUR: Cupid and Psyche in palace

C - My dear wife, be warned: your sisters mean us harm, they will urge you to look at my face but if you see me, you will lose me forever. If not for our sake, then for the sake of the child you carry, you must not see them again. Your child will be born a god if you keep my secret, but will be born a mortal if you don't.

P - Oh, I'm so excited! I have a baby who will be born a god!

C - Promise me that you won't see your sisters again.

P - Well, okay.

C - Good, because they're coming here now. You must ignore their cries. (Walks out)

P - My sisters, coming here? I have to tell them I'm pregnant. Here they come. (S1 and S2 walk in)

S1 - My little sister Psyche, how wonderful to see you!

S2 - Why do you look so happy?

P - Dear sisters, I have the most exciting news - I'm pregnant!

S1 - Oh - how wonderful, dear - And what's the child's father like?

P - He's a wealthy middle-aged merchant.

S2 - We're afraid, darling, that you're being mislead - your husband is not what he seems.

P - What do you mean?

S1 - Many of the people nearby have seen him roaming the countryside.

P - Really? What does he look like?

S2 - Poor sister, he's a monstrous serpent, and he plans to eat you and your child.

S1 - Take this lamp, and get a good look at him when he comes to you at night, and then if all is as we have feared, stab him with this knife. Call us if you need help to escape. (Sisters depart)

SCENE FIVE: (in palace. Cupid sleeping. Psyche enters with lamp and knife.)

P - Oh joy! My sisters are wrong - my husband is not a snake, he's Cupid, the god of love! Oh! The lamp is spilt!

C - (Wakes up) Ahhh! My shoulder is burnt! Psyche, what have you done, you stupid girl? You've betrayed me! Now everything is ruined, for you've seen my face! Now you will be punished, so you will never see me again! (Exits)

P - Cupid, my love! Oh, he's gone; my life is not worth living without him! (Exits)

(Sign held up to audience: "many months later")

SCENE SIX: (Jupiter and Mercury in palace. Cupid enters.)

C -Jupiter, I need your help. I miss Psyche so terribly; I know I can't live without her. When she disobeyed me, I was deeply enraged, but I've seen all the impossible tasks my mother has set for her, which she has done, just to prove her love and commitment to me. Please help me!

J - My dear son, I see your great love for this woman. I shall bring her here and give her a cup of ambrosia to make her immortal. This will keep you from flying away from her again, and will mean that Venus won't be disgraced by having a mortal as beautiful as she.

C - Thank you, father!

J - Mercury, bring Psyche here!

M - Yes my lord. (Mercury leaves, and soon Psyche enters, alone)

P - Cupid, my love!

J - Drink this nectar, Psyche, so you may become immortal and live with Cupid forever. (Gives Psyche a cup of ambrosia. She drinks it).

C - Welcome home, dear Psyche, now let us celebrate our divine marriage with an extravagant feast!