What is life
But a thing
You reach out
And grab
By the horns?
What is life
But a thing
You ride on
With joy
A veil of innocence
Over your eyes?

Who am I
But a person
Almost too weak
To reach out
My fingers unclenched?
Who am I
But a person
Who is frail
From too much knowledge
And too much confusion
And too much pain

What is death
But an oblivion
Tired souls fall into
Too numb
To hold onto life?
What is death
But an oblivion
People with knowledge
And confusion and pain
Drift into
Too weak to care?

What is life?
A thing I am too blind to see
Who am I?
A person who can no longer care
What is death?
An oblivion I am drifting towards
For what can my weary soul do but die?