Where are you?

A/n: I just turned 16 and I had a party the day after my actual b-day…I thought this girl would come…she promised me she would even if we were fighting. But hell no…she's off with some guy. Really, what does friendship mean?

You screwed with my head

You promised you'd be here

My hopes were up

I thought it was true

But no!

You left me alone

Well that's okay

That's all I can say

Spare me the heartbreak

I don't need you anyway

But you said you'd be here!

You said that you cared

If you do

If you -did-

Why aren't you here?

You left me alone

You're off with some guy!

You said you'd be here!

Where are you now?

Well that's not okay

I have something to say

You thought you could win

I don't need you anyway

I'm better off these days