To leave us alone, and get a life,
You've put us through way to much strife,
Don't tell us we're in this together,
Don't tell us we've got freedom forever,
Because we already know it's all lies.
You stand so tall, so proud,
Watching a great country as it dies
Get out, Bush, leave,
This is the end of your presidency.
It's too late,
We can't wait,
For you to be gone.
Cause we know,
About your intentions,
And we've had enough,
Of your lies.
You said that you would help them,
But you were just a waste of time.
You're a murderer, a liar
It's no use to deny,
Don't try to change our mind,
Cause you've already done enough.
We realize,
You're nothing,
You've tried to
Show us otherwise,
But it won't work,
The damage is already done.
This is the end of your little game,
Get out; you've had your little fun.
Why you looking so confused?
When we're the ones,
Who were oblivious to the truth,
You went and told them you were their friend,
Something must've gone wrong in their head,
When they let you in.
Maybe we're to blame,
To let a man like you,
Bring upon our country
so much shame.
Get out Bush, Leave
This is the end of your killing spree,
It's too late,
We can't wait,
For you to be gone.
Cause we know,
About all you've done,
And we wonder how you kept it so under wraps,
You said that you would lead us to all that is right,
But it was all a lie,
We'll teach you to break this country,
Why can't you get a clue?
We're going to get you crushed,