I know now it's coming,
Eternal frustration,
There is no limit,
I put on vacations.
If they are there,
Forever they can stay,
Because I can't leave,
And live life day to day.
I don't understand,
Why I'm so depressed,
Or why my life,
Is made worth so less.
By no one else's doing,
It is all by me,
I know this and I hate it,
And it's something I see.
I see it now, I see it then,
I see it all the time,
Why can't I just fucking stop it?
Is there a balance I can find?
Is there hope within my world?
My ever changing expectations?
I will admit that I am guilty,
Of almost any allegation.
Do you find me difficult?
So hard to understand?
Well, that's okay, I'll survive,
With myself,
I always have.