Each time I try to let go,

My heart and soul tell me, "NO!"

But my brain works with logic,

Thus this must be so.

Now every time I see near,

I know I wish to hold you dear.

But all I do is look away,

And wipe dry that flowing tear.

The very first time you caught my eye,

I knew it was love at first sight.

And when I saw you strut your stuff,

I just knew that this feeling would last.

Well, it was true enough.

Up to this very day,

There's not one damn way

To look at you and not feel gay.

Will my feelings be returned?

I certainly do not know.

What I know is that I feel

Love, mixed with regret.


A/N: That was written with my utmost sincerity and it came from the bottom of my heart. I mean every single thing that I wrote. Love heals and yet it hurts, doesn't it? What a headache. Please R&R, thanks!