Embers' Grin
Cast your eyes to the ocean,
cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me.
-Loreena McKennitt, Dante's Prayer
The Lady strode upon parched grounds
Burning gold on a downward slope. In
Darkness dwelt a blade, still quivering, still
Smoking and its hilt agleam in sweat and
Gore, dug deeply into stone. She takes
Her prayer by its tattered thread and hurls
Forth from her Mother's fortune.
Quikened feet
Pound the earth, raining dust in her wake.
A torch upon the wall burned low in
Ev'ning light; time matched her stride, step
For hurried step. It mocked her laden heart
As it pulled ahead and left her behind.
Whispered winds, of a fiery soul come forth
To seek retribution, swift and bitter
As a bleeding heart fills the lungs. Her sword
Devours those who dare to slay her love, her
Companion; his blood pouring through their
Encrusted claws.
Gentle touch, lovingly held
To her chest, the goal reached too late.
Too pale upon the darkened wood,
His body lain across the pyre.
A spark from her fingertips
So tiny, so destructive in its nature,
Thus was her gift, and would
Take him from this world.
Chaotic fury tearing down the sky
From its heavenly perch, too far above
The flames' dance and embers' grin, sprouting
From the earthen breast, so quickly the body
Falls. The Lady bows her crown of tawny
Curls, farewell to his spirit rising from
The ashes; until next time
His amber gaze meets hers.
Okay, most of this is a metaphor, though it's also a story. The Lady, Andraya, and her soulmate, Jakob-he's the guy my Jakob de Serein is based after.