A/N: Sorry, I lied. My sister did this for homework, I looked over it, told her it was horrible, I edited it, and tada! The finished product. Meh, it was one in the morning and we were in a hurry lol. Keep in mind this was written by me (Melissa) and my sister (Karen).

Mr. Linden's Library

January 6, 1990, the world began for Amara Shelly. Little did anyone know it would never end.

The day was brisk, serpentine gusts wove around Amara. She walked from the bus stop to her house, located in one of the "better" neighborhoods. Her parents were both doctors, a profession that Amara resented. All the excitement at the hospital her parents talked about was too much for her. Amara preferred to spend time at the library, away from the chatter her parents made. She subconsciously changed her direction, her footsteps walking a path she knew with her eyes closed. It would be better if she got her books before dinner so that her parents wouldn't be questioning about letting her out at night. It was as she approached the library, that Amara realized something. The usual hubbub has ceased. Everything was now quiet. Not the quiet Amara was used to at the library, but an unearthly silence. Amara reached the door only to find it locked. Looking around she caught sight of a notice taped of to the side:

The library will be closed today! Come back tomorrow at 7:00 A.M Head Librarian, Dorinda Satu

Sighing Amara pulled her coat closer to herself and walked away. She supposed she would come back tomorrow. She had been wandering for some time, thinking about the unexpected closing of the library, when she found herself in front of a building. "Mr. Linden's Library", the sign proclaimed. The plaque was cracked with age. Amara scoffed at the sign, but entered anyways. Hoping to find something to make her long walk fruitful. She needed something to read and this place was as good as any. The store was small with heavy, cherry wood bookcases lining the walls. Most of the books were thin, more like comic books. However, there was one book that stood out. Amara reached for it curiously. There had been no one behind the counter, but just as her fingers touched the spine Amara heard a cough and a "Hello." Startled she snatched her hand back and turned.

The old man was wearing red suspenders and a white shirt. He gazed at Amara from behind brown rimmed-glasses, as if peering into her soul. Amara surmised that this was Mr. Linden, the librarian. "Hello" he repeated, "What kind of book are you looking for? We have a wide variety from which to choose."

"Um, actually I'm just looking. But thank you", Amara replied. Then turning she pulled the book from the shelf. The cover was a beautiful deep red, reminding her of fall. There was a piece of ribbon, the color of sapphires, marking the previous withholder's page. Amara flipped through the worn beige pages. MAZE was stamped in the front cover of the book her lips she decided this would be the book she would take home. Amara looked up at who she believed to be Mr. Linden. She smiled and asked if her regular library card could be used. The old man nodded, so Amara pulled it out and handed both book and card. Mr. Linden inhaled sharply and glanced towards the door.

"I don't think you want this book"

Amara was taken aback for a moment before looking him straight in the eyes saying, "Yes. I do".

Mr. Linden implored Amara not to take the book, but each time Amara insisted until at last he gave in. The old man gave Amara one final searching gaze and said something that confused her, "Take heed in what is said, make the right choices and home you will head…"

Amara averted her eyes as she walked out of the library. She decided that the old man didn't get enough customers to keep him sane. Either way, Amara was happy with the book and she couldn't wait to get home.

After the dinner conversation, with sneak peeks at the book in her lap, Amara got ready for bed and settled in book in lap. It was about a young man who had discovered a maze on his property and was on the verge of exploring it. She was a fast reader and was on p. 666 when she fell asleep.

As she slept vines began creep out of the book, twisting this way and that, as if searching for something. Amara continued to sleep and the vines began to grow upward…

It was several hours later that Amara awoke; still sleepy she yawned and stretched her hand brushing against something waxy. Amara suddenly that it was not a dream, it felt too real. She gasped and inspected the vine wall nearest to her. Amara gave up finding a logical reason and ran toward what she thought to be the exit of the maze. It was merely a dead end, though and she ran and ran in the opposite direction. Where was she? And how did she get there?

50 yrs. Later

Amara had been 13 when she entered the maze, the cruel labyrinth, which seemed to mock her with every step she took. She had survived only because she ate the bitter vines that grew around her. The first night she had gotten sick but as time passed her stomach was able stomach it…no pun intended. Her skin had taken on a greenish tinge. The plants must've had something special in them, as they seemed to be the only thing she needed to consume. It had been nearly 50 years of searching and there was still no way out. Her hope had faltered often, but with nothing else to do Amara roamed about the maze. She had discovered one night, as she lay awake, that the maze moved so she was never in the same place.

Amara headed toward a narrow corridor, which did not look familiar. Then, she spotted something at the end of the corridor. She hobbled towards it and stared in amazement at three vials on the ground. The first contained an amber liquid, the second was almost transparent only a shadow of liquid could be seen, and the last was ocean blue. A piece of paper next to it read, "Three vials you see, two vials there be. It's luck that'll steer you to-night. One does nothing the others will set you free. Vial two will take you back to where you came. The last, the end of time you'll gain." With trembling hands, Amara picked up one of the vials and studied the transparent liquid. Without hesitation, she pulled out the cork and swallowed the liquid. There was a rush of air and Amara found her-self sitting on bench in a park. She was alone and young once again… The piece of paper was next to her, but now the lettering had changed. "The amber brings you back, time changed. The clear- you live for eternity, forever young, forever wise beyond your years."

Sorry about the 'poems'. I told my sister it would be better if they rhymed. So she challenged me to write them, which I did and they came it really bad.