Rain 030103

It rained today.

An unwelcome welcome deluge

That got past the shelters

Found its way round walls

Splattered me

Oh joy!

That rain that washed

the grime from the plants

Has cleansed the fears

From within my heart


And sticky

I grinned

Knowing somehow that

The sunshine would be

All the brighter for the storm

After parching dryness comes

An astonishing downpour

And I am elated

By the sun in my life

Whose rays touched me


It rained

We cultivate a garden

Sunshine, Rain, Moonshine

The greater Light of the world

Guiding our steps

This seed will grow.

HE planted it.

HE shines above it.

HIS rain waters it.

It only leaves us

to wait

to wait

to wait

for fruit.

But for now I smile

at lower things.

It rained today.