Night stalkers who are not dead but who roam in sacred, cryptic awakenings
Walking among us, pale and gaunt, above all else a complete and utter mystery
Lone figure disdained (loved) by all (of us)

Survives off the flesh and off the blood of the absolute being
Are always seeing, always fleeing,
Always lost in the threshold of death

Predators so feared (adored) by lies (yet is it truth?)
Cobwebs of Dracula in vampiric realms
Arrogant, elitist, superior in helm
Hello Mister Vampire

Feeding on the sources, on the servants, on the donors
And the victims with weird viral supernatural tendencies
Run from fate, from destiny
Never feel it,
Never grow, never cry
Never hunt for someone's blood
Even if you hear your life is being summoned
