Along the River Styx
Crucified my essence
And with it bled my life
Running lazily down
Into a dilapidated golden chalice,
Held firmly in your hands.
Drink this bitter Elixir,
Bring my encrimsoned life to your lips,
Absolve your sins and revive your soul
For loss must be worth a miniscule gain.
Now I tread along the barren shores,
A Cypress grove looming to the right;
The silken water sending droplets in the air
Burning away the flesh
As my eyes follow each soul step onto the barge.
Why this torment?
Did not you gain enough
From my sacrificial blood?
You have openly forsaken my grave,
Wrapped me in a soiled linen cloth
And left me sitting placidly on a rocking chair.
Sometimes, I feel your hand
Caressing my decaying face,
Attempting to extract one more morsel
For your soul has turned astray once more
Due to your shattered words.
Another time-
Faintly glowing against the black shroud sky-
I beheld your emaciated form
Reaching ever meekly yet viciously out to me.
It was then the barge opened its gate
Welcoming me warmly on,
Yet then you disappeared
And with you my redemption.
Had you buried me then with yourself,
In hope that a final drop
Of the acerbic Elixir of my Soul
Would effuse and be absorbed
In the moist soil for you to suckle out?
Shattered words but bring shattered hopes.
The barge has eddied past once more,
Solitude sweeping in with its receding trail,
But in the path of my wandering
A lilac bloomed anew,
Giving the Cypress trees a foe,
As I journey on-
Life forsaken,
Death denied-
Along the River Styx.