"Cold Crystal Chamber"

By: Pseudo name "Cannibalistic Peach"

It's so cool

So cold

Damn the frost

Outside my window

Blocking my view

Biting at the warmth in me

Taunting me

For it knows that it's to cold for my touch

I sit on my bed bundled up tightly


Teeth Clattering

Trying to keep what little warmth is left

Taking soft breaths

Watching puffs a gray appear

It's the cold

It's laughing at me with every breath

My walls have fallen next

The frost has turn to ice

And spread throughout the walls

Incasing me with cold

Taunting me again

As I curse under my breath

Holding my wrappings tighter

Clutching at the warmth

As if it is a precious stone

The cold bites at my lungs

Turning me bitter and my insides raw

But I sit on my bed bundled up tightly

Trying to look through the clouded window

A scattered white, so thick I see myself

A pale shell clinging to warmth

Compared to the sunny one

Basking in the heat of a roaring passionate flame

Another apparition is born from my breath

Laughing at me before it dissipates into the cold

Giving it strength, making it stronger

The tisk-ing sounds followed by pitter

Means it has found the floor

Its drawing nearer

I feel its nips at me, the same jests as when it found my window

The tips and taps are closer I tense up cooing my warmth

I draw back and am braced against the wall

Bundled so tightly I have made myself numb

Balling up encasing the warmth with protection

In an already trapped, Cold, Crystal, chamber.

The sounds of tightened strings popping are louder

The cold is coming for the bed now.

I clamber towards the lighter and candle

The rest solely on the head board

The ends of my blanket start to form quick icicles

My blankets still hold onto me

Keeping what warmth I still have

Hands so cold they can't grip like they could

But I manage to grasp the lighter and strike it

Alas! A flame of a long time

What has kept me waiting will not help me endure this

The cold is on the bed making the cover brittle and dry

The candle shines as a bead of wax lingers down

Almost like the frozen tear that burned my cheek

With hope I comfort the warmth in me

The candle holding a prayer

To help me fight off this cold a bit longer

Waiting in the Cold Crystal Chamber

For something to melt it away