I stand a cold smile on my lips, silently looking down from my throne of wanting wishes.

I take my septor of deception, and i rule with my blood tainted hand.

I hold my head hi, the crown of lies perched on my raven hair,

and gaze with hidden eyes, black as the midnight sky.

Gloating over my so called palace, i turn a blind eyes on my sins.

Why should it matter how i rule my empire?

Its MINE, my castle of dreams, my world of long held lies.

But as i lay, the black sheets twisted around my restless body,

a light shines threw the covered windows of my conscience.

I see The Father, the one whom i once turned to, tears in his bright eyes.

He shows me with a silent wave, the cost of my greed,

in the end were my great empire will lead me.

I see great red flames, that spiral upward, licking at the crumbling floor of my castle.

I see rivers of gore and blood, mutiple lost souls crying out for a drop of water,

a gift of salvation they long ago rejected. And i weep.

Pale, shaking i fall to my knees, a prayer of forgivness i cry out.

I my head in my hands its seems ive been defeated, an donce agian im lost.

But as i raise my face towards the heavans, the eyes that had been blind for ao long,

are suddenly opened, and i see things i never before saw.

the twisitng roses are no longer black, the trees no longer bent and dying.

The sky is blue and the clouds for once are not grey with the burning rain waiting to fall.

Standing i turn back to my castle, and relise that its no longer there.

Panicking i run towards the fallen ruins, and stare in shock at my lost empire.

Kneeling in th eplace where on stood my throne, i find in its stead a small book.

Pickign it up, i turn its sacred pages, reading the many words written by the Saints.

I read of a sacred love, given from the lord to all of his children.

I read of the ultimate gift of love, when Jesus gave up his spirit on the cross,

his inncoent blood washing away YOUR and my unholly sins.

How if we cried out for forgivness, he would hold out open arms to recieve us.

How he forgave liars, murdurers, and healed the sick and lame.

I read on and on, tears slipping down my face, as i discover the perfect love.

Sobbing i lay down the holy book, and dwell on what ive rediscovered.

All this time ive ruled in darkness, something missing in my aching heart.

All this time theres been that void i can not fill, not with money not with petty things of this world.

And in a split second of remorse ive found the key to open the hidden tresure.

Love. The ultimate love. The love that no matter what, no how lost i get, will always be there.

His love. He who gave his life for me. He who died to save my soul.

He whos birth was rejoiced by angels. He who saved millions. He who is the child of the one and only Lord.

And it he who could have not given us mortals a second glance, died to save our lost souls.

He who looks down in tears of pain at what his world has become,

he looks at the empires so many people have built around there hardened heart.

Palaces of greed, of dark wantings, of sick pleasure, or like mine,

A castle filled with unreal dreams of magic, dreams of other worlds,

were evrything is perfect, nothing can hurt me, nothing can envade my castle of lies.

But just as my palace crumbled so will yours.

In the light of truth, your walls of deception will eventualy fall, and you will discover the truth.

You are his lost child, and he wishes for you to be found.

But you shall half to look to him.

theres a light at the ned of evry tunnle, theres a dawn to evry night.

You will find him, and i rejoice at the knowledge that you will.