I am a pair of eyes in a wallpapered room.
Everything happens around me,
And I merely observe.
People go by, looking, loving,
Running children, staring out windows;
They rarely notice me, I'm just here.
Oh, don't mind me, I'm just a scribble,
A child's creation in fancy time.
Light changes to dark and back again,
The moon goes through equinoxes, I'm sure.
The people are statues on wheels,
Rolling around and not really changing;
At least I can see what's going on.
Cracks and erosion break them down,
While I don't ever really change.
I just keep watching, silent, brooding,
While they age and fade away.
I'm the loner child of a common family.
There is no mutual participation
In this life-game, only common existence,
And I, I alone, keep watching
And never really changing.
Eyes by Zilindico