Hey...Wrote this sort of out of boredom...Hope you like it...Read and Review mine, I promise I'll read and review yours Thanks!
I'm Gone
Fine, I'll shut up
And watch you fall
I'll let you go
And leave you all
Cuz I know when I'm not wanted
And I know how things work
When you're in, you're in
When you're out, things hurt.
I'm not in, I know, I quit
You got the point across, I'm just gonna split
Because I don't deserve this, and you don't deserve me
The condescending attitudes and lost feelings shouldn't be
What we had wasn't a friendship, it was a contract
You just better know, what goes around comes back
I'm not saying I'll hurt you, I'm just letting you know
That you'll know what goes on when you've just been let go
I'll shut up, if it appeases, but know this- it was me who was down on my knees
It was me who left, who finally gave up, because let's face it
Your games are too rough and nobody wants to play
There's a reason I left and that I left today
Cuz things are goin down, I was already out for the count
I'm ditching you, let it be known,
I gotta be somewhere where my true colors can be shown
I'm tired of running, sick of being shot down, and sick
Of being chased by every damn cop in town, and don't tell me
You need me, and that I'm your only one, just because I was willing
To fight and I won. There'll always be others, better recruits
There'll always be guns, and those who will shoot, This is all I have to say...
So I'll shut up now, and walk away.
...And you'll review...right? hehe.