Enough is enough. I watched the highlights from the recent State Of The Union address (by the way, good work to the men in full military uniform at the front who refused to applaude Bush's ridiculous health care plan) on Channel 4 news and checked out a few websites for the transcript to make sure I wasn't imagining it.

I've been proved right on the worst thing possible in the world. Normally I'm happy that I've been proved right, but this is really, really bad.

"Different threats require different strategies. In Iran, we continue to see a government that represses its people, pursues weapons of mass destruction, and supports ."


Aw, NO! You have to be kidding me! You CAN'T attack Iran:

1) You have a troop shortage already and I don't know anyone that's rushing to join up now.

2) Iran actually DO have nuclear weapons, and will not hesitate to blow your government's collective ass off with them, probably taking a few million citizens of the US with them.

3) Uh, does the word DEFICIT mean anyone to anybody? War is really freakin' expensive. As I believe we have already discovered with this government. TWICE.

4) Far as I remember, Bush didn't mention any of this Iran crap during his re-election campaign. That was rather sneaky now, wasn't it? Don't you usually mention big things like that during elections?

It's not that I don't believe that people should have to live in dictatorships. The problem is that not even the US is big enough to take on a whole point of the compass. It won't be long before the US (or the UK, or Australia) will lose a war. It's not a nice thought, but it's inevitable if he keeps going off on these tangents about "freedom", " and "God". You can't take on 15 countries on at once. You will be defeated and many soldiers will die needlessly.

Please stop this international ing contest immeadiately. What would have saved us all from this (but probably ended the world, or at least the US) would have been to go after Saudi Arabia back in 2001 when this all started. The moment is gone. We know the US is never going to go after their mates the Saudis, of whom one was behind all of this. Mr Osama Bin Laden is most likely having a lot of fun living it up in a hotel in Riyadh, rather than still hiding in the Afghan hills. It took US troops 6 weeks to just get to the area he was originally thought to be in, so no doubt they would have not seen a plane heading over the border.

If you're going to play gung-ho, CEO Bush (of America), please target the right people occasionally. Or, preferably, go home and sort out your own warzones. Brooklyn in New York. Flint, Michigan. These places need your war money more.

Oh, and what most countries do is run one war at a time. They usually succeed that way. Look what happened to Germany.

AN: Bit all over the place, I know. But whatever. Review, tell me what you thought, argue etc. Cheers, OM.