Witchgirl1012000: (Running after Marcus) Come back here.

Marcus: (Screaming) No..

Witchgirl1012000: Yes. I own you. (Pulls on puppet strings and makes Marcus walk over.)

Marcus: You're so mean. I'm Marcus and Witchgirl1012000 owns me. There are you happy?

Witchgirl1012000: Yes, my little puppet. Now dance. Dance for the nice people. (Plays with his puppet strings and makes him do a little dance.) Good little puppet. I hope you liked my puppet's dance. I'll make sure he dances for everyone in the up coming chapter(s).

Marcus: Meanie. I hate to dance, you know that.

Witchgirl1012000: I know, but the nice people want to see you dance. (Waves at the cameras) Hope you like.

A/N: I hoped you liked my little puppet's dance as I liked making him. I own Marcus Lewis. He's a friend of mine from school so I own him in this story. I also own Aimee. She's someone that is very close to me, but I won't make her dance, that's mean. I have my reasons for making Marcus dance and not Aimee. By the way I didn't spell Aimee wrong. that's how she spells her name. I hope that you guys read this one and review. I'm still writing 'Her Choice', but I decided to do another one. Besides I got inspiration for this story. I pretty sure that Marcus doesn't mind me using him for my story. This a story that i'm trying out. If no one likes it then i'll take it down. If people say it's good then i'll write more.

January 1, 2005

Dear Journal, I know it's weird for a guy to keep a journal, but ever since I was sent to therapy for commiting suicide not that long ago i've been keeping one. My therepist says that it's a good idea for me to write down my felings. How gay. I'm kidding. It's cool. I actually enjoy writing in it each night. No i'm not gay, but it makes me feel better when I write. I probably should tell you a little about myself. I'm Marcus Lewis. I know a lame way to start, but I don't care. My parents got killed right in front of me 10 years ago. I've been living with my aunt. i was only 6 years old at the time. I used to cry at night because I kept remembering the night. i may have been 6, but you can never forget something like that. I used to wake myself up because of my screaming, but all that has stopped now that i'm older. Right now i'm on my winter break. I got to Lakewood High School. I'm a junior. Today I spent the day in my room writing poetry. Yah, a very productive day. Just so you know journal i'm an only child. It's so much fun. My aunt has not kids or husband and my parents had no kids. Joy. I'm you average kid. I have black hair that I don't do much with. I'm half white- half black. I'm German. I'm about 6'3". I'm tall, but what's great right now I don't have to concentrate on anything. I'm single. I have pretty good grades. Close enough to straight A's. I'm not a nerd or a jock or a brainless monkey. I'm kind of goth, kind of punk. I enjoy my life right now. I have a bunch of friends that i'm incredibly close to. I slipped away from my friends when my parents died. Actually before and after I commited suicide. Some of my friends left me in the dust, but my best friend, Aimee, stayed by me the whole time. She stayed by my side and helped me through everythng even though we just met. That's how close we are. We can talk to each other about everything. I don't think I have a thing for her even though we're really close. Back to me. This is my journal so I can be selfish if I want to. My life has great. I haven't tried to commit suicide because I have great friends that I don't want to loose and that would be devastated if I left this world. When I did commit suicide the friends that stayed cried that they didn't want to loose me. I don't want them to go through that again. It hurt me too much to see them in that much pain. I won't do that to them again. The day I commited suicide was a day like any other. I had walked to school saw my friends and what a great day. Then I got my Biology test back (It was 30 of our grades and i'm not doing so well in that class.) and I got an F. It devastated me. To make things worse when I was walking home I found my dog, whom I loved very much, in the street what I thought dead. I didn't think he was dead, but when I took him to the doctor he said that he had died from getting hit by a truck. He had been dead for about 3 hours. I actually cried. I hadn't cried since my parents were killed. I was devastated. So I thought that my life was over. My dog was there for me when my parents were killed, while I was having trouble in school, everything. Now he was dead. I was able to yell and scream. He helped me through everything. I know that it's weird. Dogs don't talk, but he seemed to understand and he made me feel better. After I came home from the hospital my aunt wasn't home, which I was happy for, I went into the kitchen, grabbed my antidepressants (i'm supposed to take one when I get home from school after I eat something), grabbed a bottle of water, and took the entire bottle. I remember spinning around and blacking out. The next thing I remember was me waking up with my aunt staring at me crying. "He's awake" She cried and the doctors ran in. I couldn't remember where I was so I asked what happened and they told me I overdosed on my antidepressants, which made me dizzy and black out. After I told her what made me do it she cried even harder and told me that i'll do better on the next one. She'd even help me study. I looked around my room to find Aimee standing next to my bed. I asked her how she found out and she said that she came over to talk to me and found the door open. She ran in looking for me and found me on the floor of my bathroom not breathing with the pill bottle in my hand and called an abmbulance. After all that she gave me CPR to kep me going. Of course I lived. She didn't tell anyone, but she did say that I can come talk to her about anything. She's my best friend. Okay back to the present. I've been able to talk to her. I haven't tried to kill myself since the last incident because seeing her in tears, which I hate to see, I decided that I didn't want to hurt her again. I just love her so much, as a friend, that I don't want to see her cry again. I know that i've already mentioned that we're really close, but I don't care.

A/N: I hope that you guys liked. I know it was long, but if I get good reviews about this one then i'll write more, promise. I think that this one may have some potentional. I don't know. Please review. See ya. I'm working on getting more out for 'Her Choice'. The titles are getting worked on. I'll get better ones sometime. I jsut need help. Please help me with the titles guys. Later.