A/N: Hey guys. I had to add this. This is the suprise that I was talking about. I really hope that you guys enjoyed reading The Good and Bad of Love as I have enjoyed writing it. Wow, 48 chapters and this thing. This is the longest thing i've ever written. It was hard putting in the death scenes and writing the suicide note. It took me a few months to get the whole thing written. I've had some stuff going on with my family so I couldn't write during those times, but i'm glad that I am able to write again. I plan to add to Her Choice, but some stuff happened to the file I had of it so I have to try to remember how I did the story and when I do that I plan to put the story back up. I also plan to change the name of the story to Life After Anorexia and for The Choice I plan to change to Life, Anorexia, Love. I had to say that for when your reviews say that instead of the old titles. I didn't like the old titles and decided to change them. R&R. Thanks for all your reviews. They helped me make the story better. I have another story coming out soon so look for that, but in the mean time you guys can always read some of the poetry that I put up. There will be alot of it.
After finding Marcus on his floor in a pool of blood Tim and his aunt Sally planned his funeral. They buried him right next to Aimee's grave. Aimee's parents came to both Aimee's and Marcus' funerals. At Marcus' they said how sorry they were for their loss and asked why he was getting buried next to their daughter. Aunt Sally said that he had planned to ask Aimee to marry her in the future and it was their wishes to be buried next to each other. At Aimee's funeral they cried through the whole thing wishing that they had been a little more considerate. She was almost an adult and in love and knew what she was doing. They figured that out after she left home. They did figure out that she moved in with Marcus because she once told her mother that she loved him. Her mother wished that the last thing that she had said to her was nicer. She feels really bad and wishes that that day when she caught Aimee and Marcus on Aimee's bed she hadn't or that she hadn't been so mean because then she wouldn't have left home. She wished that things were better. Aunt Sally talked to her parents saying that they were in love and that they shouldn't have banned her from seeing him. Tim was quite emotional at the funeral to everyone's suprise. He cried because he lost the thing he had closest to a brother. He said that he wished that he had died instead of him, but he knew that Marcus would some day take his life for loosing the woman he loved. He stuck up for her, helped her through her issues with her parents both times, helped her through her dealing with an eating disorder and helped her realize how thin she was and how beautiful she is. And even though he made mistakes and she was mad at him they still worked things out. They ended up in the hospital numerous of times. Everytime they were in there it was always for one of them except the time when Aimee's family was in the hospital. They both had each other to cry on. Aimee was closer to Marcus then with Ashely or Kate and Marcus was closer to her then with John, who was like a brother to him. Even though they had known each other not that long and not dated that long before they both died they still made everyday that they had with each other meaningful. For about a month after the funeral Aunt Sally didn't leave her house or even her room for that matter and Tim, when he did leave the house, was always dressed in black and depressed. Thanks to Ashley and Chris and Aimee's parents they finally got help. Everyone remembers Aimee and Marcus and how happy they were together.